kim stolz

Everyone’s favorite lesbian from America’s Next Top Model, Kim Stolz, chatted recently with Bradford Shellhammer about the show, what’s next, and Tyra Banks.

We met at a Cyndi Lauper concert. Who are your favorite performers?
One of the best concerts I’ve seen this year was a band called “TV on the Radio.” They played at Union Pool in Williamsburg. It was a blast. Their energy was really captivating. I also saw a great performance by Robert Smith and the Cure a couple of years ago–that sticks out in my mind. I’m just happy you’re not asking me this question in 1998, when my answer would have been, undoubtedly, Ani. Ha!

Now since the show has ended, what have you been doing?
Since the show has ended, I’ve been trying to figure out how best to start out in both the modeling and acting worlds. I signed with a great manager, and am looking at agencies. I’ve been attending fabulous events, going to photo shoots, and trying to escape being a reality TV show star forever! Any ideas?

You said you might move to LA. Why?
Well in all honesty, LA is the best place to be if I want to really try to start a career as an actress. The work is there. However, I am going to try to stay in New York as long as possible. I am thinking, however, about moving to Paris sometime…

Which judge was your absolute favorite? Least favorite?
Well, even though perhaps her calm and collected attitude wasn’t as good for ratings as Janice’s crazy and frightening personality, I really loved getting to know Twiggy. She is one of the most beautiful, modest, helpful, and well-intentioned people I’ve ever met. I owe it to her I think that I stayed as long as I did. As for least favorite… I didn’t really have a least favorite judge. They were all my least favorite when I got eliminated! Ha-ha. However, I was really disappointed at Miss Jay’s lack of understanding for my gender expression/confusion. Shouldn’t he/she understand!?

Do you read blogs? and if so, which?
I am proud to say that I certainly read Queerty. I also read Gawker, Perez Hilton, Shit Parade, and A Socialite’s Life. Girl needs her gossip!

After the jump Kim dishes on the other girls.


Was Bre crazy or what?
Well… I think we all sort of lost it at one point or another in that house. But, yes. Bre was the craziest. Did you see when she tackled me? Frightening. Not hot at all. Just frightening.

What girl was the biggest bitch?
Hmm…. me? No. I think that Jayla was probably the biggest bitch, although she didn’t mean to be. Things came out of her mouth that were extremely offensive to all of us, but she didn’t realize it for some reason. I think she forgot to learn ‘social graces’ when she was home schooled.

Kyle was robbed as were you. Do you still chat with her? What is she up to?
I certainly still talk to Kyle a lot, and yes she was robbed for sure! Kyle is getting approached by agencies left and right. She’s probably going to move to LA soon actually. I think she has a long and fabulous career ahead of her.

Lisa reminded us Gays of a drag queen. Do you think Lisa would be our friend?
Lisa would certainly be your friend. While I didn’t quite understand her in the house, towards the end and after it was all over, I got to know her very well. She is certainly one of the most amazing, honest, good-willed, and hilarious people I’ve ever met. You guys would have a blast with her!


Janice Dickinson. Do we love her or are we afraid of her?
Well. Dickinson is like a wild bear. If she smells fear on you, you’re screwed. So don’t be afraid! I do love her sense of humor, but I mean, yeah, that woman is insane.

Who are your favorite designers?
I love Balenciaga, J. Mendel, Marc Jacobs, and Theory.

Kate Moss. Better on or off coke?
She’s so hot and skinny. On? Ahhh. I suppose I shall answer Off.

Miss J and Mr. Jay. Can we please get them both makeovers?
Fantastic! You can use my living room if you need a space.

Any message you’d like to relay to The Gays, who were all pulling for you?
I certainly want to thank all of you for the support– and sorry I didn’t pull through till the end. I’m not sure Cover Girl wanted one of us representing their good little company. Oh well. I use Nars and Chanel make-up anyway!

Is Tyra really RuPaul? We have to know.
A fantastic question… and from me… ahhhh. I’m going to have to go with: No Comment, I’m still under contract till December 2006.

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