Janice Dickinson Eastern Bloc New York gay bar

What a wild night TWO nights Janice “drinking has always been my problem” Dickinson had at Eastern Bloc (where Wonderbar used to be) in New York’s East Village on Sunday and Monday. She apparently had such a great time getting sloshed and rubbing up on all the homos that she was reportedly returning for a third evening of fun last night. No word on that yet, but we of course have our finger on the pulse of Janice’s gay-bar-hopping and you will be the first to know if we learn anything.

See some more crazy photos of a drunk, pursed-lips Janice and some gays after the jump.

Janice Dickinson Eastern Bloc New York gay bar

Janice Dickinson Eastern Bloc New York gay bar

Janice Dickinson Falls Off The Wagon In East Village Gay Bar [Entry Level Heiress]

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