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Microshifts Matter: How This One Shift Transforms Meetings

Small shifts, big impact. Boost productivity and engagement in your meetings.

Key points

  • Ensure more focused, purpose-driven discussions, reducing time spent in unproductive meetings.
  • Keep meetings on track, maximizing engagement and clarity for all participants.
  • The ripple effect creates a culture prioritizing efficiency, well-being, and collaboration.

Meetings are the bane of modern work existence. We've all been there, sitting through endless hours of aimless discussions, wondering why we're even there. In a recent article from Pumble, some key takeaways were that in 2023, managers spent, on average, more than 50% of their week in meetings, and employees spent approximately 31 hours in unproductive meetings each month. In another recent article from Lucid Meetings, “Most professionals spend 62 hours per month in meetings according to a recent study by Atlassian. Thus, most employees feel they waste 31 hours every month in unproductive meetings, almost one full week of work! … In sum, the estimated cost of unproductive meetings is $37 billion US dollars per year.”

Yet, despite universal recognition of the problem, change is elusive. However, what if I told you that one small change could transform this landscape entirely? Let's delve into the world of meeting management and explore the power of micro changes.

The Problem With Meetings

The data is clear: We spend an exorbitant amount of time in meetings, draining both time and energy from our workdays. The toll isn't just financial; it's also detrimental to organizational culture and productivity. Bad meetings, characterized by a lack of structure, trust issues, and inappropriate attendee selection, are a significant pain point for many workplaces.

Consider the story of a hospital CEO who faced a pivotal moment when one of her top executives tried to resign due to workplace stress. This event catalyzed a journey towards introspection and change. Through coaching, this executive recognized the toll of ineffective meetings on her well-being. Implementing one simple yet powerful shift, this executive decided to stay.

The Power of a 45-Minute Meeting

In her quest for change, this one leader made a micro change that reverberated throughout the organization: She would only book 25- or 45-minute meetings and mandated that agendas be provided 24 hours in advance. This seemingly small adjustment had profound implications. By imposing a time limit, meetings became more focused and purpose-driven. The enforced agenda ensured that discussions stayed on track, maximizing productivity and engagement.

Moreover, the introduction of 45-minute meetings created valuable transition time between sessions. This intentional pause between meetings served as a pivotal moment for participants to conclude their thoughts on the current topic, ensuring a smooth segue into the next discussion. By affording this space for mental closure, individuals were empowered to consolidate their understanding, tie up loose ends, and mentally prepare for what lay ahead, thereby promoting a sense of closure and clarity throughout the meeting process.

Beyond its cognitive benefits, this break also served as a moment for emotional and physical rejuvenation. Participants utilized this interlude to recharge their energy levels, whether through a brief moment of relaxation, physical movement, or simply stepping away from the screen. This brief respite enhanced overall well-being and cultivated a heightened sense of presence and engagement in subsequent meetings, facilitating more meaningful interactions and maximizing the effectiveness of collaborative efforts.

The Ripple Effect

What began as one person's initiative soon gained traction across the organization. As this executive returned from her leave, she found the entire senior leadership team embracing the 45-minute meeting model. The ripple effect of this microshift extended beyond efficiency; it signaled a cultural shift towards prioritizing effectiveness and well-being in the workplace.

Embracing Change

The success of this micro change underscores the importance of challenging conventional norms and embracing innovation in meeting management. By reimagining the structure and dynamics of meetings, organizations can unlock hidden potential and drive meaningful progress.

Imagine a workplace where meetings are no longer dreaded but anticipated as opportunities for collaboration and progress. It's within our reach, and it starts with one person's willingness to challenge the status quo and make a microshift with macro impact.


In the grand scheme of organizational dynamics, it's easy to overlook the significance of small changes. Yet, as demonstrated by the transformative power of the 45-minute meeting, these microcshifts can catalyze monumental shifts in culture and productivity.

So, the next time you find yourself trapped in an endless meeting, remember the story of the hospital executive who dared to make a difference. Perhaps, inspired by her example, you, too, will advocate for change—one meeting at a time. After all, in the realm of meeting management, even the smallest ripples can create waves of transformation.


Pumble. "Meeting Statistics: Key Takeaways on the Time and Cost of Meetings." [](

Keith, Elise. "55 Million: A Fresh Look at the Number, Effectiveness, and Cost of Meetings in the U.S." Lucid Meetings Blog. […](…).

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