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The Value of Mid-Year Reflections

Reflecting on the year thus far helps you recognize how far you've come.

Key points

  • Life often doesn't go exactly as planned.
  • People often need to look back at events that have occurred and how they reacted to see personal growth.
  • It's important to acknowledge the surprises and happiness felt along the way.
Source: Bookblock / Unsplash
Source: Bookblock / Unsplash

Looking back on the first half of this year can bring up a melange of emotions in many. Did I achieve everything I wanted to? Maybe not. Did things go to plan? Rarely. Am I where I wish I'd be mid-year? Not quite.

This can bring a moment of disappointment, but it doesn't need to. Even if things didn't go to plan, it doesn't mean good things didn't happen at all. This is the beauty of life.

The only thing that is certain in our day-to-day life is uncertainty. We can plan as much as we want, but we will still be faced with unexpected developments. And that's totally OK. Because it means that you've probably ended up doing a lot more than you initially planned to, even though it may not be the things you originally planned to.

A lot can happen and change in six months, and it's important to acknowledge this. This is what the mid-year reflections are for.

So, right now, take a moment to reminisce about your journey so far and remind yourself how far you've come.

1. Looking back on the last six months, what were your favorite achievements?

Anything goes. It can be as small or big as you want, and it doesn't matter what other people think of it. The most important part is that you were proud of yourself for achieving those things.

Maybe you read a good nonfiction book you've been meaning to read for ages. Maybe you've learned a new skill, tried a new hobby, or even cooked a new recipe. Or perhaps you've changed jobs, said no to something that didn't feel right, or stood up for yourself and your beliefs. What is it that you are genuinely proud of?

2. Looking back on you and your abilities, how did you grow?

Again, this is yours to answer however you wish. You can go rational, emotional, or spiritual—whatever feels right for you. Did you grow the courage to try something new—or forge a path of your own? Did you grow emotionally as you learned strategies to manage your anxiety or stress? Or perhaps you grew in strength physically as you took better care of your body? Looking back on these last months, how do you feel you've grown the most?

3. Reflecting on this year so far, which have been some of your happiest moments?

Let's take a closer look and find those silver linings in the first half of this year. What were the moments that enabled you to feel contentment and calm? When were you feeling your most fulfilled? Which moments made you feel one with yourself and one with the world? Which moments made you laugh out loud? Think of what brought you genuine joy—and hold on to the memory of them.

If you look hard enough, you can remind yourself how far you have come as the beautiful human being you are. You see how much you've achieved, how much you've grown, and how many amazing moments you've had. Maybe this year hasn't exactly gone to plan, but amazing things likely still happened. This is one of the ingredients of this mad adventure called life: making the best of whatever happens. Enjoy it.

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