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The Magic Trifecta of World-Class Gifting

How to give a gift that will never be forgotten

At 81 years of age, Margaret has received plenty of holiday gifts in her life. The one that stands out as her favorite is a flower box her son David installed on the balcony outside of her room after she moved into assisted living housing a decade ago. “David came up with the idea on his own and surprised me with it,” said Margaret. “I hadn’t realized how much I missed my garden until he installed it, the whole thing made me so happy.” Even though she chose to take the box down a couple of years ago, the “whole thing” still makes Margaret happy - she beamed while telling me the story.

Margaret’s son captured the magic trifecta of the perfect gift: generosity, insight and emotional impact (which usually comes in the form of surprise). Gifts can be great with one or two of these elements but they won’t get into the world-class memorable category without all three. Here’s a closer look at each element so that you can be a master class gift-giver this holiday season too.


Generosity is not about how much money is spent. Generosity is about giving selflessly with more concern for the happiness of the recipient than for reciprocity or reward. To be fair, money is indeed a coveted, valuable resource and those who are generous with their funds have a leg-up on landing in the world-class gift category. But in today’s increasingly unfocused, go-go world an equally valuable resource is our time, attention, and care.

Judith, who is short on cash but not on imagination, is giving her sister the gift of her time and care this Christmas. She’s wrapping and shipping all of her sister’s presents to other people (and from the sound of it, Judith’s sister is also a giver because the total number of gifts Judith expects to wrap is more than 50!). Judith anticipates she’ll spend about $40 on wrapping supplies and two full days on the project. “The thing is, my sister is impatient,” said Judith. “She can’t sit still long enough to do a nice job on the wrapping. We’re all so busy this time of year but I can do this for her and it’ll be a big help.”

Not to give expensive gifts short shrift - unexpected credit card payoffs, furniture, coveted jewelry and the like have most certainly been lauded as the most memorable, appreciated gifts ever received by some of the consumers I’ve interviewed. But diamond earrings, new cars and computers have also landed on “worst gift ever” lists because they were given for the benefit of the giver rather than the recipient. Generosity is about an open heart and an eagerness to give for the sake of someone else’s benefit - not your own.


The ability to truly see the (often secret) cravings and needs of another person is a rare and valuable gift in itself. To have that insight brought to life with just the right holiday present is an essential component of a memorable and world-class gift experience. David imagined that his mother might be missing her garden and his gift was not only bringing flowers back into her life but also demonstrating his interest in and attention to the details of her life. Likewise, Judith saw her sister’s impatience and a need her sister might not have even recognized in herself. Insight is thoughtfulness with a boost because it’s built on a foundation of empathy - or the ability to understand someone else without layering on your own opinion (aka: judgement).

Jeff does not see the value of jewelry, “so much money for something so little,” is his assessment. But he bought his girlfriend a diamond heart pendant for Christmas anyway. “She went on a ‘Bewitched’ marathon last year and commented on witch’s heart necklace a few times. I swear, she wasn’t just dropping hints, she’s direct. This will be a surprise, a good one,” said Jeff.

Emotional Impact

The last element of a world-class memorable gift is emotional impact. It takes a jolt, a thrill, a shock or a moment of deep emotional intensity or affection to sear a gift into memory. Psychologically, the mismatch between what’s expected and what actually happens is the foundation of memory.

When it comes to memorable gifts, that mismatch usually comes in the form of surprise. Which explains why the tradition of gift-wrapping and waiting remains such an important aspect of holiday gift giving. Anticipation ramps up surprise, which adds to the emotional intensity of a gift. That’s also why unexpected gifts are so much more memorable that prearranged exchanges of things like gift cards.

The unexpected gift creates out-sized emotional impact - like the trip to New York that Selina’s partner gave her last year for Christmas. “I’ve been talking about New York for years, suddenly we’re going!” said Selina.

Keep in mind that there’s a dark side to the power of emotional intensity to cement memories. Awful gifts can be even more unforgettable. In fact, a healthy percentage of the people I’ve interviewed are unable to remember a single lovely gift they received the year before for the holidays but can describe in vivid detail the acne kit or posthole digger an inconsiderate friend or family member gave them.

A generous gift, an insightful gift or a gift that’s full of emotional intensity or surprise are each wonderful in their own way. But to be a truly memorable, world-class gift of a lifetime it has to have all three components. Even Santa’s unlikely to have the bandwidth to deliver on all three with every gift, but someone on your list deserves the magic trifecta.

More from Kit Yarrow Ph.D.
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