Our ambition: Zero Footprint

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

reduce recycle reuseProvada is working to reduce its footprint, with the goal of 0. To achieve this, we take the necessary steps every year based on the following principle: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

We are in a chain where all links have to accelerate. The organization, the venue, caterers, stand builders and also our visitors and exhibitors play an important role in making the fair more sustainable.

In 2024-2025, an important part of the focus will be on reducing waste and better waste separation.

Would you like to know what we at PROVADA do to reduce the footprint and how you as an exhibitor or visitor can contribute to this? Below you will find more information and practical tips. Do you have any good tips or suggestions for us? We would like to hear from you!


Our sustainability actions

Less waste, better waste seperation >

In 2024-2025, PROVADA will focus on reducing waste and better waste separation during the fair, but also during the setup and dismantling of the event. 


During the fair

  • More than 40 waste islands for separate collection;
  • Sustainability package for exhibitors for separate collection and processing of waste; 

To prevent and/or reduce waste, we advise exhibitors:

  • No samples, flyers, maps or carrying trays
  • No plastic bags (handing them out for free is prohibited anyway)
  • Less catering packaging, no give-aways
  • Avoid using disposables

Before and after the fair
We require stand builders who are active during PROVADA to contribute to waste reduction and separation during the setup and dismantling of the fair.

Simpele lijn

Material passport for stands >

materialen circulaire0stand rabo kopexpo ResizedImageWzM4MSw0OTVdIn the future, we will ask exhibitors to provide a materials passport for their stand. When choosing materials, three factors are taken into account: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. From conversations with stand builders we know that more is possible than you might think. The use of biobased materials, for example, or reusable items and furnishings.

A few tips:

  • Where possible, use stands, stages and décor that are designed for disassembly and reuse
  • Do not have dates printed on banners and signage
  • Make agreements with your stand builder

Need inspiration?
Then come and have a look at the Rabobank stand during PROVADA 2024. 
 By using and reusing
(natural) materials, they have developed a beautiful and sustainable stand. 

Simpele lijn

Donation programm >

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This year PROVADA has a donation program for exhibitors. On the last day of the fair, exhibitors can donate leftover items. Donations can include plants, furniture, food and drinks and office supplies. Thanks to this initiative, donated items find a new valuable destination at, among others, the Food Bank Amsterdam , the  Salvation Army Amsterdam and the Regenboog Group. 

Click here for the full list of what can be donated, including donation criteria. 

Do you want to join? Register for this program without obligation via femke@provada.nl .  We will keep you informed. 

Simpele lijn

Mobility >

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We look forward to welcoming everyone again during PROVADA 2024. It promises to be a busy edition and due to other events in the RAI, the RAI parking garages will quickly fill up this year. We therefore advise you to use public transport . If you come by car, use the parking option at the WFC (World Fashion Centre, Westas A10) and from there use Mobian's shared bicycles or the shuttle service as a sustainable last-mile solution. More information can be found here 

 Simpele lijn

Catering >

2022 Bitterbal 1140x400Catering also plays an important role in PROVADA's footprint. We ask exhibitors to make as many conscious choices as possible. We are in consultation with the RAI and catering partners about the range and food waste. What do we hope for? More vegetarian, less packaging and less food waste.

For drinks, choose the (vegan) PROVADA bitterbal instead of the normal one. At least as tasty, but much more sustainable...

Simpele lijn

C02 Compensation - Trees for all >

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To compensate for CO2 emissions, PROVADA joined  Trees for all in 2021 .We support  the Real Estate Forest (ING initiative)  with 200 trees in the Netherlands and 100 CO2 credits for Bolivia per event. We also promote this initiative among our participants. Together we want to inspire others to make the world a bit greener and healthier.