Current Training Offerings

School Staff & Administrators Trainings/Workshops

Suicide Safety for Teachers & School Staff: Train the Trainer Workshop

Intended Audience: School staff interested in becoming a trainer of Suicide Safety for School Staff (SST). Individuals should have experience in providing training to adult learners.
SST Logo

Learn More & Register Here

Helping Students At Risk For Suicide (HSAR) Workshop

Intended Audience: School professionals including, psychologists, school counselors, social workers, school administrators who are involved in the helping process when a student may be at risk for suicide, and community mental health providers who work with and in schools.HSAR Logo

Learn More & Register Here

Creating Suicide Safety In Schools (CSSS) Workshop

Intended Audience: School administrators, school psychologists, social workers, and school counselors and others who may be involved in prevention initiatives.


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Community Gatekeeper & Brief Intervention Trainings

Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST)

Intended Audience: Anyone over the age of 16 years old.

ASIST Training

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LivingWorks safeTALK

Intended Audience: Anyone over the age of 15 years old, including many in more formal helping roles.

safeTALK Training

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Supporting Teens At Risk For Suicide

Intended Audience:  Social workers, preventative workers, case managers, probation officers, supervisors at youth development programs, or others working with teens that may be at risk for suicide in the community.

Supporting Teens At Risk For Suicide (STARS) logo

Learn More & Register Here

Clinical Training

Lethal Means Reduction Counseling: A Brief Overview

Intended Audience: These videos are intended for any health provider who engages in safety planning with individuals at risk for suicide, as well as supervisors and managers who want to familiarize themselves with this topic.

Learn More & Register Here

If  you have any questions about our trainings and workshops, please contact