About Us

About Us

New York State Office of Mental Health’s Suicide Prevention Center of New York (SPCNY) is the lead entity in suicide prevention in the state. SPCNY provides technical assistance that advances the New York State Suicide Prevention Plan. Our mission is to promote, coordinate, and strategically advance suicide prevention across the state with the aim of reducing suicide attempts and deaths among New Yorkers. While there is no single solution to preventing suicide, SPCNY combines a clinical and public health approach in its work.

 As experts in supporting health systems, communities, and schools in suicide prevention, SPCNY provides a host of trainings along with technical assistance to a number of groups across the state. Approximately 20,000 SPCNY funded trainings are delivered each year to community partners. For clinical trainings, SPCNY partners with the Center for Practice Innovations at Columbia Psychiatry/New York State Psychiatric Institute.  

Beyond training and technical assistance, through our strategic partnerships, SPCNY supports programming targeting at-risk populations, including veterans, Black and Latina youth, LGBTQ individuals, and rural residents. 

For more information about our programs and initiatives, please contact us.