Really? An extremely competent guy has one bad night, and that’s all it takes for people to start calling for him to resign?

How sad a nation we have become when experience and wisdom have a shelf life. Why is it that no one is calling on Donald Trump to step aside when his age is basically the same and his mental capacity is clearly as impaired as his moral compass?

Immediately after the debate, I made my first contribution directly to President Biden’s campaign and sent him a email of support. Why? Because this election, I choose a guy who has relationships with every major world leader, and many not so major.

I choose a guy who has wiped out student debt for hundreds of thousands of graduates who were stuck for years paying interest to banks after they had actually paid off the amount they borrowed.

I choose a guy who has lowered drug prices, including capping insulin at $35 and allowing the government to negotiate prices with greedy drug companies that have been literally killing people who couldn’t afford the high cost of their medications.

I choose a guy who, despite having lost the bipartisan effort to bring about a more humane solution to immigration due to the felon’s insistence that Republicans scuttle the bill, creates an executive order to implement the changes.


I choose a guy who stands for the rights of women to exercise their reproductive choices without threats of jail to themselves or their medical providers.

I choose a guy who is working to reduce gun violence; who supports the rights of LGBTQIA Americans; who has appointed more people of color and Native Americans to positions of power than any other president; who has stood with unions; who understands that the United States is an imperfect nation but is working to moving to the light rather than darkness.

I might suggest to those people who are calling for Biden to step down that it isn’t likely to happen.

There are actions they can take to help relieve their anxiety. There are hundreds of grassroots organizations, many completely run by volunteers working to reach, educate, register, and support “sometime” and “never” voters. There are young people who are touring the country to connect with young voters about issues that matter to them: gun violence, school debt, climate change and reproductive rights. There are groups of women who are connecting with women about the importance of preserving the entire range of reproductive rights, including contraception and IVF. There are seniors taking action to connect other seniors to support postcard campaigns and create giving circles for donations to candidates and grassroots organizations to ensure we remain a republic and not become a nation ruled by fascist dictator.

People who feel our only course of action as Democrats is to call for Biden to resign would do well to stop reading and listening to the major media circus intent on garnering clicks – the press is rushing to support the doomsday scenario that, ironically, would result in the loss of the freedom it currently enjoys.

Me, I’m too busy financially supporting many of the groups that are organizing and writing my postcards to have energy to spend on something that is not going to happen. I know there are many, many others doing the same thing. My advice is do not underestimate the power of angry women, people of color and young people to bring about the change we all seek.

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