The sun sets behind the Burnurwurbskek Singers as they perform a song that combines traditional Penobscot voicing and rhythms with a modern arrangement during Vigorous Tenderness, a vernal equinox concert Tuesday at Wells Reserve at Laudholm. From left: Sarah Agnes Tuttle, Matt Consul, Brian Shankar Adler and Nick Bear. Ben McCanna/Staff Photographer

Audience members gather on a deck overlooking a salt marsh at Wells Reserve at Laudholm to hear Anna Hawkes and Luette Saul sing ‘Qilak’ by Andrew Balfour on Tuesday. Ben McCanna/Staff Photographer

Anna Hawkes, left, and Luette Saul sing ‘Qilak’ by Andrew Balfour on the edge of a salt marsh Tuesday at Wells Reserve at Laudholm. Ben McCanna/Staff Photographer

Trumpeter Emma Stanley and vibraphonist Eric Kim perform ‘A Run-on Conversation with an Antsy Acquaintance,’ by composer Alexis C. Lamb, while standing on the edge of a field at Wells Reserve at Laudholm. Ben McCanna/Staff Photographer

Audience members traverse an open field Tuesday at Wells Reserve at Laudholm during Vigorous Tenderness. Ben McCanna/Staff Photographer

Late-day sunlight illuminates an audience as they listen to Burnurwurbskek Singers performing at Vigorous Tenderness, a vernal equinox concert at Wells Reserve at Laudholm. Ben McCanna/Staff Photographer

Oboist Michael Albert plays ‘Wounds in So Many Places’ by composer Che Buford while standing at a trail junction Tuesday at Wells Reserve at Laudholm. Ben McCanna/Staff Photographer

Cellist Barbara Paschke smiles while playing a song by composer Samuel Coleridge-Taylor in the gallery at Wells Reserve at Laudholm. Ben McCanna/Staff Photographer

A quartet plays songs by composer Samuel Coleridge-Taylor within the gallery Tuesday at Wells Reserve at Laudholm. From left: Katherine Liccardo, Ryu Mitsuhashi, Barbara Paschke and Lucas Goodman. Ben McCanna/Staff Photographer

Kate Beever plays marimba Tuesday for a performance of ‘They Tried to Bury Us. They Didn’t Know We Were Seeds’ by composer José G. Martinez in the barn at Wells Reserve at Laudholm during Vigorous Tenderness. Ben McCanna/Staff Photographer

The audience applauds a performance by the Burnurwurbskek Singers in the fading light at Vigorous Tenderness, a vernal equinox concert Tuesday at Wells Reserve at Laudholm. Ben McCanna/Staff Photographer

An audience forms around the Burnurwurbskek Singers as they perform a song that combines traditional Penobscot voicing and rhythms with a modern arrangement during Vigorous Tenderness, a vernal equinox concert Tuesday at Wells Reserve at Laudholm. Ben McCanna/Staff Photographer

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