Check the list: New York workers who collected a salary and pension last year

Portrait of Joseph Spector Joseph Spector
Poughkeepsie Journal

ALBANY - More than 300 state workers earned $100,000 in combined pension and salary in 2017, and 30 employees collected $100,000 each in retirement payments and salary, state records show.

But overall, the number of "double dippers" in state government continues to fall, down to 1,747 workers last year, a 4.5 percent drop from 2016 and a 37 percent decline since 2011.

Critics have long questioned the ability of state workers to collect a salary and a pension, often in the same job.

But New York officials have sought to crack down on the practice. In 2011, more than 2,800 state workers received a salary and a pension.

Still, it can be lucrative for some state workers.

CHECK THE DATABASE: Double dippers in state government

Check NYDATABASES.COM for a list of all the state employees who earned a salary and a pension in 2017.

Highest paid

The 30 people whose pension and pay each topped the $100,000 mark was led by a professor at the University of Albany, according to records obtained by the USA Today Network in New York through a Freedom of Information to the state Comptroller's Office.

The professor, Marlene Belfort, received a combined $344,950 in 2017 -- with nearly $246,833 in salary and $98,117 in pension from her years of state service.

Belfort, 73, a renowned biochemist, doesn't have to receive a state waiver to collect a salary and a pension because she has reached retirement age, the university said.

"Dr. Belfort’s expertise and accomplishments are extensive and unique," the university said in a statement.

"Her decades of experience as a genetics researcher, her work with UAlbany’s renowned RNA Institute and her service as a mentor to undergraduate and graduate students and post-doctoral researchers would be extraordinarily difficult, if not impossible, to replace."

The state court system had the most high-paid "double dippers," with an average salary and pension of $287,000 for 20 state Supreme Court judges, the records showed.

In fact, seven of the top 10 earners were state Supreme Court justices.

The top judge on the list was William Kocher, a judge in Ontario County, who made nearly $336,000 last year in salary and pension, according to the Comptroller's Office.

State workers over age 65 can generally collect a salary and a pension without an income limit.

The state's data included only the employees who were in the pension system and stayed in state service through year's end.

The comptroller's office could not provide a list of those who collected a state pension and work in local government.

Not the average

A total of 329 people had a combined salary and pension of $100,000 or more as of the end of 2017.

State workers have said they need to collect their pension after age 62 because it ensures their beneficiary will receive their pension if they die.

That has been the argument for state lawmakers who reach retirement age: They officially retire from their jobs after their term is up; then they rejoin the state payroll after they are re-elected.

So that's the case with most of the 15 state Assembly members who collect a salary and a pension, as it is with six senators.

The number of double dippers has fallen for several reasons.

New York court system's decided in 2013 to stop judges who are older than age 70 from double dipping, and the decision was upheld last year by the Court of Appeals.

Workers may need to get a waiver to earn more than $30,000 a year in salary after they retire, a so-called 211 waiver. But the state has sought to limit how many waivers are granted each year.

"We’ve put strong safeguards in place to track public employees who collect a pension and go back on the public payroll,” Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli said in a statement.

“If we find people breaking the rules, we recover overpayments or work with law enforcement to pursue criminal action if warranted. This is showing results and protects the integrity of the retirement system.”

The double dippers represent a small fraction of the state's overall pension recipients, which total about 452,000.

The average pension for state workers in 2016 was about $24,000 and $50,000 for retirees in the police and fire pension system.

As for double dippers, the average combined pay was about $74,000.

The largest number of workers who received a salary and a pension were civil service test administrators: 94 of them got both, mainly receiving an hourly wage for continuing in the job.

Four other agencies had more than 50 retirees working for them: 92 for Homeland Security and Emergency Services; 90 at the University of Albany; 60 for the Court of Appeals, and 56 for the Comptroller's Office.

The Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services said the employees are often experts in handling natural disasters and are primarily instructors who train emergency personnel around the state.

"Ensuring DHSES has the best and most qualified employees to help communities across the state to prepare for, respond to, and recover from man-made and natural disasters is paramount to our public safety mission," said the agency's spokeswoman Kristin Devoe.

More: Salaries database: High-earners in NY up 10%

More: Who gets the highest pensions in NY? Check the list

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