
A photo of a proclamation

What is a proclamation?

The City of Portland issues proclamations to individuals and organizations seeking recognition of events, awards, remembrances, and occasions that are of value or otherwise significant to the City or to the diverse citizens of Portland. Proclamations are made at the discretion of the Mayor.

Proclamations include "whereas" statements that provide background, history, statistics, and accomplishments that resonate with the local community and/or local concern. Only one subject or date may be included per proclamation. Proclamations should be kept to one page of text. Review a sample proclamation proclaiming  September 2022 to be Suicide Prevention Awareness Month.

What else should I know?

  • The City of Portland does not issue proclamations for commercial ventures, such as KXYZ Radio Day or Furniture Month.
    • However, the name of sponsor(s) may be included in the body of the proclamation, for example, Eat Healthy Week can have a “whereas” clause saying it is sponsored by General Foods Corp.
  • If a religious organization requests a proclamation, it must be related to their contributions to the community.
  • Proclamations cannot be used for direct fundraising.
  • Proclamations may be requested to be presented before Council during a Wednesday morning Council session or to receive an official document only.
  • City Attorney may be asked to review any proclamation.
  • The Mayor’s Office and the City of Portland reserve the right to not grant a proclamation request.

What is the process to request a proclamation?

Please allow 3 weeks advance notice to process a proclamation request.

  • Complete all sections of the form.
  • Email the completed form and a draft of the proclamation to
  • If the proclamation is approved, a member of the Mayor's Office will contact the requester to confirm.
  • If the proclamation will be presented at a City Council meeting, a run of show, presentation materials (if applicable), and invited presenters must be provided one week before the meeting date.

Are there other options?

  • To honor or celebrate an individual, a letter to commend a person for their contributions to the community may be deemed more appropriate than a proclamation.
  • External groups may request to provide a presentation before Council. Please email for more information.
  • Learn more about ways to engage with City Council