Male biology student working in the lab

School of Biological Sciences

Explore the teaching and research activities taking place with our School of Biological Sciences

In the School of Biological Sciences, we're addressing the most pressing issues impacting people's quality of life around the world. From finding new ways to combat climate change to our pioneering research into plastic-eating enzymes, we're turning our expertise into action.

We cover all aspects of biological science – from developmental biology and epigenetics, to molecular biophysics, marine biology and applied environmental research – and our academics, lecturers and researchers are experts within their fields.

The School holds an Athena SWAN bronze award, in recognition of the work we're doing to advance the careers of women in science.


We emphasise personalised study and high levels of interaction and collaboration between lecturers and students. Our research activities frequently inform our teaching, and our graduates develop the ability to apply the skills they learn during their study.

96% of our graduates find employment within 15 months of graduating (HESA Graduate Outcomes Survey conducted in 2019).

We provide high levels of student support and guidance in a nurturing environment. Our researchers and teaching staff share their passion and excitement for research to inspire the scientists of the future.

Our teaching areas

Visit our Biological Sciences subject area page to find out more about the undergraduate and postgraduate degrees we offer.


We conduct cross-disciplinary research across the School of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences and the School of the Environment, Geography and Geosciences. The positive outcomes of this research can be seen in our Research Excellence Framework 2021 results for Unit of Assessment (UoA) 3 and UoA7. Both of these UoAs had more than 80% of their research rated as world-leading or internationally excellent in terms of originality, significance and rigour and 100% of their Impact Case Studies rated as outstanding or very considerable in terms of their reach and significance.

Working with researchers across the globe we have developed techniques that can address the growing issue of plastics and how to deal with their negative impact on the environment. This research lead to our Centre for Enzyme Innovation being awarded £5.8 million for its research into plastic eating enzymes.

Research groups

Explore the work we're doing across our 3 research groups.

Biophysics and Molecular Genetics Research Group

We're studying biomolecules such as DNA, RNA and proteins to allow us to tackle issues such as disease, pollution and energy.

Enzyme structure, courtesy of Centre for Enzyme Innovation, Portsmouth
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Ecology and Evolution Research Group

We're expanding knowledge of the diversity of the living world, from molecules to ecosystems, and creating a basis for assessing and reversing the extinction of species.

Image by Tony Lee from Pixabay.
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Marine Biology Research Group

We're researching key environmental issues in marine science such as climate change, biodiversity loss, habitat degradation and ocean acidification.

School of fish swimming in deep ocean
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Our research centres

Much of our exceptional research takes place within the following cross-disciplinary research centres – find out more below.

Centre for Enzyme Innovation

At the Centre for Enzyme Innovation, we are working to solve one of the most pressing environmental issues facing our planet.


Plastics bottles - Centre for Enzyme Innovation
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Institute of Life Sciences and Healthcare

We're exploring disciplinary boundaries to discover, understand and develop knowledge for the benefit of the environment and humankind.

Close up of a gloved hand and some petri dishes
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Centre for Blue Governance

We're committed to the protection, restoration and sustainable governance of our aquatic environments

blue governance
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European Xenopus Resource Centre (EXRC)

Discover the world’s largest Xenopus research facility and access different Xenopus specific resources, including antibodies, wild-type strains, DNA resources and egg extracts.

Marine research tanks
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Heritage Hub

The Heritage Hub brings together researchers and professionals from across the university to tackle key issues in heritage and heritage conservation locally, nationally and internationally.

Royal Garrison Church in Old Portsmouth
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School of Biological Sciences facilities

Discover the facilities available within the School of Biological Sciences.

Video with no dialogue, showing the facilities within the School of Biological Sciences at the University of Portsmouth: School of Biological Sciences, Experimental Aquarium Rooms, Seawater System for Research and Offshore Research.

Our staff

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Darren Matthew Gowers Portrait

Dr Darren Gowers

Associate Head (Employability and Placements)

School of Biological Sciences

Faculty of Science and Health

PhD Supervisor

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Garry Scarlett Portrait

Dr Garry Scarlett

Associate Head (Academic)

Interim Head of School

School of Biological Sciences

Faculty of Science and Health

PhD Supervisor

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Fiona Myers Portrait

Dr Fiona Myers

Interim Head of School

Associate Head (Global Engagement and Education Partnerships)

School of Biological Sciences

Faculty of Science and Health

PhD Supervisor

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Frank Schubert Portrait

Dr Frank Schubert

Associate Head (Research and Innovation)

Interim Head of School

School of Biological Sciences

Faculty of Science and Health

PhD Supervisor

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Alessandro Siani Portrait

Dr Alessandro Siani

Associate Head (Students)

School of Biological Sciences

PhD Supervisor

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Adele Charlotte Mary Julier Portrait

Dr Adele Julier

Senior Lecturer

School of Biological Sciences

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Radha Krishna Binuraj Menon Portrait

Dr Binuraj Menon

Senior Lecturer

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Mr Marc Martin

Senior Technical Manager

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Explore our faculty

Explore the other Schools and Departments that make up our Faculty of Science and Health.

Faculty of Science and Health

Explore the Faculty of Science and Health at the University of Portsmouth, and learn more about the teaching and research activities that take place within the Faculty's different departments and schools.

Dental nurses treating patient
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School of the Environment, Geography and Geosciences

We're studying how our planet works, how it's changing and what we can do about it, with academic expertise in palaeontology, geology, geotechnical engineering, geography and environmental science.

A close up shot of a fossil within a piece of rock
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School of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences

Through our teaching and research, the School of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences strives to find new ways to help those with debilitating illnesses and diseases.

Male student working in a biology lab
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Department of Psychology

Explore the Department of Psychology at the University of Portsmouth, and learn more about the teaching and research activities happening within the department.

Female student smiling
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School of Sport, Health and Exercise Science

We study the physiology, psychology and biomechanics of the human body during exercise and its application to sports performance and health. 

Male student training on stationary bike in front of class
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School of Health and Care Professions

The School of Health and Care Professions offers exceptional health and social care education to meet the current and future needs of the health and social care sectors.

Radiography student at work
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Contact us

To get in touch, please contact our Faculty office.

+44 (0)23 9284 2994