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PMC Celebrates women’s history month: empowering women, transforming futures.

Feb 29, 2024
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As Women’s History Month unfolds, Population Media Center (PMC) proudly renews its pledge to champion the rights of women and girls across the globe. Our commitment runs deep, rooted in the belief that every woman and girl deserves the opportunity to flourish, be heard, and shape her destiny.

Natalia Cereser, our VP of International Programs, embodies the organization’s vision and mission with her deep-rooted belief in the transformative power of giving voice and opportunity to women. She eloquently states, “PMC’s Vision and Mission are very connected to me, first because I am a woman and believe that giving opportunities and voice to all the females in the world will bring prosperity, equality, and sustainability to the world.” 

At the heart of PMC’s mission lies the transformative power of storytelling. Through captivating radio and TV series, we strive to uplift women by showcasing their resilience, strength, and ingenuity. 

Cecilia Orvananos, PMC-Mexico’s Country Director, aptly captures the essence of our work, saying, “Empowering young women and girls every day is not just a duty, but a privilege.”

“Empowering young women and girls every day is not just a duty, but a privilege.”

Our approach is grounded in research and evidence but is also deeply personal. Amy Henderson, DrPH, PMC’s Director of Research, Evaluation and Impact emphasizes the importance of understanding the real impact of our efforts, “I find great joy and privilege in conducting both quantitative and qualitative research to illustrate how and why our programs impact individuals and communities. Whether through numerical data on social or behavioral change or the rich narratives and lived experiences shared, each avenue allows us to showcase the profound influence of our initiatives.”

It’s not just about numbers on a spreadsheet; it’s about the lives we touch and the stories we help rewrite. Through rigorous evaluation, we ensure that our programs resonate with the diverse needs and aspirations of women and girls worldwide.

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Our Future Depends on Hers

PMC’s award-winning TV and radio series, broadcast in the US and 50+ countries, focus on improving the rights of women and girls, especially reproductive autonomy, gender equity, and self-determination. This is the heart of our commitment to helping population growth stop. By realizing the rights of women and girls.

As we honor Women’s History Month, PMC celebrates the richness and diversity of women’s experiences. Each story we share, each voice we amplify, adds another layer to our shared history. By lifting women up and giving them the tools and the platform to tell their own stories, we move one step closer to a world where equality is not just a dream but a reality.

Here’s to the women who came before us, who paved the way with their courage and determination. And here’s to the women of today, who continue to inspire us with their resilience and strength. Together, we will keep pushing forward and keep striving for a world where every woman and girl can thrive.