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Archives for Zia Weise

Fossil fuel extraction compatible with climate action: COP29 host
Von der Leyen threads the climate needle to keep her job
Pragmatism over principle: Europe’s Greens adapt to survive 
EU parliament centrists circle wagons to keep far right out of top jobs
Nearly every EU country blows major climate plan deadline
EU leaders ditch call to prepare for ‘new realities’ of warmer planet
Trump haunts stalled global climate talks 
A triumphant right’s first post-election target: Overturning Green Deal car ban
The MEP who hated being an MEP wants you to vote in the EU election
Europe votes on climate neutrality’s fate
Industry now trumps nature in Europe
EU Green Deal? No, thanks: Germany’s liberals want a weaker ‘Yellow Deal’
Southern Germany battles floods as experts say Berlin will miss climate targets
Austria’s Greens in shambles as EU election nears
When the water runs dry: Why France is freaking out over a tiny Swiss dam
Barcelona is parched — and angry at quenched tourists
Bullets not bees: EU ditches green focus ahead of June election
EU’s power sector emissions plummet as renewables surge
Missing: A Socialist Green Deal vision
‘Bad’ EU nature law needs to ‘go back to the drawing board,’ Belgian PM says
France to send new missiles, used armored vehicles to Ukraine