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Archives for Barbara Moens

Can Ursula von der Leyen save Europe?

Can Ursula von der Leyen save Europe?

July 19, 2024 4:01 am CET
Von der Leyen: ‘My heart bleeds’ over social media health effects
Von der Leyen is in! Let the fighting over the next European Commission begin. 
Ursula von der Leyen wins second term as European Commission president
It’s Christmas in July (for Commissioners)! Von der Leyen hands out policy gifts ahead of key vote.
Von der Leyen slams Viktor Orbán over trip to Russia
Von der Leyen faces make-or-break vote on second term
MEPs call to strip Hungary’s EU voting rights amid Orbán’s ‘peace missions’
Von der Leyen will skip Britain’s biggest European summit in years
Commissioners should skip Hungary’s meetings, European Commission says
Portuguese ambassador set to be António Costa’s chief of staff
EU fumes at rogue Orbán, but struggles to rein him in
Inside von der Leyen’s charm offensive ahead of knife-edge vote on her future
Orbán parrots Putin’s lines on Ukraine in leaked letter to EU chief
French election gridlock means yet more uncertainty for Europe
Viktor Orbán goes rogue

Viktor Orbán goes rogue

July 8, 2024 10:05 pm CET
American allies fear Biden is finished and can’t beat Trump
Von der Leyen and Costa: Europe’s new dynamic duo
Von der Leyen, Costa and Kallas bag EU top jobs
Costa, Kallas confirmed for EU top jobs
Giorgia Meloni hits out at EU top jobs backroom deal