Kirkpatrick 3rd Dem to broach Rangel resignation


Arizona Democrat Ann Kirkpatrick says Rep. Charles Rangel should resign from his House seat “if the serious charges against him are accurate” — bringing to three the number of Democratic lawmakers who have said he should call it quits now or if he is found in violation of House rules.

The freshman congresswoman, who is in the politically competitive 1st District, made her qualified resignation call in a statement to POLITICO.

“Too many politicians, both Democrats and Republicans, have fallen victim to the idea that they are ‘different’ than regular folks – and nothing could be further from the truth. It is our job as Members of Congress to hold each other accountable to a higher standard regardless of party,” she said. “Unfortunately, the bipartisan Ethics Committee’s investigation has raised unavoidable questions about whether Congressman Rangel has met that standard. If the serious charges against him are accurate, he needs to resign.”

Kirkpatrick already had divested her campaign treasury of past donations from Rangel, and she called for him to give up the gavel of the tax-writing Ways and Means Committee when the ethics committee ruled against him on another matter earlier this year.

Rep. Betty Sutton of Ohio called on Rangel to resign on Friday. Rep. Walt Minnick of Idaho, like Kirkpatrick, said he should leave Congress if the charges prove to be true.

Democrats expect more resignation calls to be made Thursday, when the allegations against Rangel are made public and the committee begins the congressional version of a trial. That’s if Rangel can’t strike a plea deal before then.