Cuomo administration calls on feds to reject Indian Point license

Indian Point nuclear facility.

ALBANY — A top aide to Gov. Andrew Cuomo has written a letter opposing the federal relicensing of the Indian Point nuclear facility because of its proximity to New York City and the deterioration of the aging plant.

One of the federal licenses for the two Indian Point nuclear reactors expired in 2013 and the other expires in the next few weeks. The plant is allowed to continue operating during the relicensing process, which takes years and is currently underway.

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s Atomic Safety and Licensing Board is meeting in Tarrytown this week to hear possible challenges to the plant’s continued operation. Three administrative judges met to question officials from state and environmental groups who oppose the plant’s continued operation. Groups for and against the plant rallied outside the hearing Monday morning.

On Monday, Jim Malatras, Cuomo’s director of state operations, wrote to the federal Nuclear Regulatory Commission to oppose the relicensing. He said there was no safety evacuation route for the 20 million people who live within 50 miles of the plant, in the event of a serious accident. Malatras cited “embrittled reactor pressure vessels and fatigued metals on key reactor components” as key reasons why the federal NRC should reject the plant’s attempts to relicense.

“Entergy’s proposed inspection and monitoring will not solve the serious concerns particular to this problematic plant,” he wrote. “Allowing Entergy to operate these facilities for another 20 years puts the lives of too many New Yorkers at risk and cannot be justified by Entergy’s present plan to address these defects.”

Cuomo has repeatedly said he wants Indian Point to close. Only the federal government has the authority to close nuclear facilities. However, states can apply pressure over some aspects of plant operations, which Cuomo officials are doing on multiple fronts. Earlier this month, the Cuomo administration rejected a coastal certificationthe plant needs to continue operating, though the matter will likely be settled by the state’s highest court next year.

Cuomo has threatened to sue Entergy, Indian Point’s operator, for its recent decision to close the James A. FitzPatrick nuclear plant in Central New York. Entergy has said that plant is losing about $60 million a year, but the company still makes money at its Indian Point facility.

Entergy spokesman Jerry Nappi said the company was certain it met all of the NRC requirements to continue operating for another 20 years.

“Indian Point is a safe facility and we disagree with the State’s comments to the contrary,” he said. “Entergy has invested more than $1 billion in Indian Point since purchasing the facility, adding new layers of safety and back-ups to its back-ups to protect against man-made or natural events, no matter how unlikely. The plant has received the highest operational ratings from the independent experts at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, year after year.”

Indian Point provides 2,000 megawatts of power, enough for about a quarter of New York City’s needs. One of the reactors was shut down for weeks this summer after a transformer fire. Cuomo traveled to the plant multiple times after the event to raise his concerns to reporters.

On Monday, plant supporters, including labor unions and business groups, said it was a vital source of thousands of jobs in the region. Indian Point directly employs about 1,000, but supports far more workers in related fields, union officials said.

“Indian Point is a major economic force for all of downstate New York, providing power to two million homes and businesses and is responsible for the direct and indirect employment of more than 10,000 workers,” said James Slevin, president of the Utility Workers Union of America Local 1-2.

In his letter, Malatras said the NRC should “expedite” its rejection. He also cited a possible terrorist risk as a reason why the federal government should reject the licenses.

“As New Yorkers know all too well, the growth of significant national security risks from internal and external forces makes the continued operation of this plant for another 20 years irresponsible,” he wrote.

Read the letter here: