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July/August 2016

Chris Hefner, "Untitled (for Angelique)," 2015

The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.

  • Daniela Danz
  • Francis Ponge
  • John Maucere
  • León Salvatierra
  • Noah Buchholz
POETRY Magazine cover for July/August 2016 issue
From this Issue
    • poem
      By Daniela Danz
      How does beginning go how does
      remembering without forgetting go
      in front of me in the snow a man
      his back lonesome somber
      how does beginning go not remembering
      flashes of light that showed him images when he
      was a boy quick and blinding see the...

    • poem
      By Francis Ponge

      The rain, in the backyard where I watch it fall, comes down at different 
rates. In the center a fine discontinuous curtain — or network — falls implacably and yet gently in drops that are probably quite light; a strengthless sempiternal precipitation, an intense...

    • poem
      By John Maucere

      The Friend wriggled out and stood, a smiling tree, his shimmering head turning left and right. A person came along and looked up and said, “Who are you?” The Friend said, “Come on, get a buzz. It’s awesome!” The person...

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