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February 2020

Nick Adam

The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.

  • Jeffrey Yang
  • Maggie Smith
  • Angela Jackson
  • Talin Tahajian
  • John Lee Clark
From this Issue
    • poem
      By Zach Linge

      A pair of adolescent boys grabs a rabbit to shear off  its ears. It doesn’t matter why, whether they’re sad or from the city. What matters is what they do with their hands: hold the blade, hang the rabbit by...

    • poem
      By Jesus Govea
      you can take my breath
      but the bruh stays
      lips slapping spice
      of unknown bulk
      face curry-blushed
      from its blandness
      my dad’s face caved
      sour into his nose
      when he heard it
      the bruh cliff-hanging
      on his beard
      I think he tries to pray the white out of me
      Town and Country...

    • poem
      By Daisy Fried

      You made your students write stories about happiness and they were, you said, the worst stories of the year. Remember the pregnant woman? in a Fontainebleau café, I meant to reset it in America when I wrote the poem, she...

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