Full Immersion

At the age of nine, Pa drove me
to the river. The pastor & deacons
awaited. I donned a white robe,
transparent, self-conscious 
of my fresh nubs.

Father Jonas reached beneath me,
placed a hand over my nose & mouth.

I resisted.

He pushed me hard until my feet released
& rose to the surface, like a corpse.

I cried afterward, cold & clammy,
wet hair plaited back.

All the men thought I was full 
of the Holy Ghost.

Valerie Wetlaufer, "Full Immersion" from Mysterious Acts by My People. Copyright © 2014 by Valerie Wetlaufer.  Reprinted by permission of Sibling Rivalry Press.
Source: Mysterious Acts by My People (Sibling Rivalry Press, 2014)
More Poems by Valerie Wetlaufer