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Book Reviews

  • Cover of Instructions for the Lovers by Dawn Lundy Martin
    Reviewed: July 2024
    By Dawn Lundy Martin
    Reviewed By Leonora Simonovis
  • Cover of Cahier by Friedericke Mayröcker
    Reviewed: July 2024
    By Friederike Mayröcker
    Translated By Donna Stonecipher
    Reviewed By Janani Ambikapathy
  • Cover of Landsickness by Leigh Lucas
    Reviewed: July 2024
    By Leigh Lucas
    Reviewed By Leonora Simonovis
  • Cover of A Blind Salmon by Julia Wong Kcomt
    Reviewed: July 2024
    By Julia Wong Kcomt
    Translated By Jennifer Shyue
    Reviewed By Janani Ambikapathy
  • Cover of Good Want by Domenica Martinello
    Reviewed: June 2024
    By Domenica Martinello
    Reviewed By Virginia Konchan
  • Cover of If Today Were Tomorrow by Humberto Ak'abal
    Reviewed: June 2024
    By Humberto Ak’abal
    Translated By Michael Bazzett
    Reviewed By Janani Ambikapathy
  • Cover of Inconsolable Objects by Nancy Miller Gomez
    Reviewed: June 2024
    By Nancy Miller Gomez
    Reviewed By Leonora Simonovis
  • Cover of Hopscotch by Fatemeh Shams
    Reviewed: June 2024
    By Fatemeh Shams
    Translated By Armen Davoudian
    Reviewed By Janani Ambikapathy
  • Reviewed: June 2024
    By Li-Young Lee
    Reviewed By Leonora Simonovis
  • Reviewed: June 2024
    By Bei Dao
    Translated By Jeffrey Yang
    Reviewed By Virginia Konchan
  • Cover of Geometry of the Restless Herd by Sophie Cabot Black
    Reviewed: May 2024
    By Sophie Cabot Black
    Reviewed By Virginia Konchan
  • Cover of Just Like by Lee Sumyeong
    Reviewed: May 2024
    By Lee Sumyeong
    Translated By Colin Leemarshall
    Reviewed By Janani Ambikapathy

Meet the Book Reviewers

    • author

      Virginia Konchan is the author of the poetry collections Bel Canto (Carnegie Mellon University Press, 2022),Hallelujah Time (Signal Editions, 2021), Any God Will Do (Carnegie Mellon University Press, 2020), and...

    • Headshot of the poet

      Janani Ambikapathy is a poet, critic, and translator. Her recent pamphlet If Not Theirs was published by Veer2. Her poems and essays have appeared in Lana Turner, Firmament, Datableed, The Rialto, Visual Verse, Modernism/modernityModern Poetry in Translationand...

    • Headshot of Leonora Simonovis

      Leonora Simonovis (she/her/ella) is the author of Study of the Raft (University Press of Colorado, 2021), winner of the 2021 Colorado Prize for Poetry (Center for Literary Publishing) and recipient...

Want to submit a book for us to review?

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