Important battles indian history

Uncover the pivotal battles that shaped Indian history and discover the bravery and strategies of the warriors who fought. Dive into the rich tapestry of India's past and gain a deeper understanding of its historical significance.
UPSC - TNPSC General Knowledge: CARNATIC WARS British History, European History, Continental Army, Animal Education, Historical Painting, French Army, Indian History, Oil Painting Reproductions, Wedding Art

FIRST CARNATIC WAR: PERIOD: 1746-1748. BETWEEN : French and (British + Nawab of Arcot). REASONS: 1.Colonial competition between French and British. 2.Austrian war of succession. COARSE OF WAR: 1. 1746- St.George Fort was surrounded by French. 2. Arcot nawab helped British @ Chennai –sent huge force under MAFUZ KHAN. 3. 1746 – BATTLE OF ADAYAR- French under Dupleix defeated combined force of Nawab and British. REASON FOR FAILURE: 1.Backward nature of Indian army-strong organized French…

Anant Rana
Great Emancipator: President Abraham Lincoln, Major General John A. McClernand, right, and E. J. Allan, left Chief of the Secret Service, near Antietam Us History, American History, Battle Of Antietam, Historical Photos, Old Pictures, Battlefield, Abraham Lincoln, Old Photos, Maryland

GRAPHIC WARNING: More than 200 pictures, which are now on display at New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art, show the powerful role photography played in illustrating the horrors of battle and the true cost of war.

Shauna Allen