Garden Quotes

A collection of inspiring garden and nature quotes. And a few from my book, The Suburban Micro-Farm: Modern Solutions for Busy People.
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"In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt."
I could not agree more, and this quote always pops into my head on the first day of spring! 💚
pink and white flowers with the words gardening begins in january with the dream
January Garden Guide: Planning, Planting, and More
If you live in a colder climate, January is the kick off to spring garden planning. What gardening tasks do you tackle in January? In this January Garden Guide, you’ll see how I get organized for the garden year, what I’m harvesting this month, and some of the gardening maintenance tasks I work on at this time of year. Check it out now!
some yellow flowers with a quote on the bottom that says we are responsible for responsibleion agriculture
Growing Community Against Steep Odds: A Community Garden Story
Many suburban communities lack public gathering spaces, and ours was no different. Learn how one suburb created a community garden that demonstrates a permaculture response to land repair, community fellowship, and growing food.
some plants that are in the grass with a quote on it saying it takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan
Energy to Plan | Garden Quote
Wishing you could grow your own food. Start where you are! You don't need acres of perfectly flat land to grow your own food. Learn more in my book, The Suburban Mico-Farm!
a glass ball sitting in the dirt with a quote on it that says, we know more about the movement of celestial bodies than underfoot
The Soil Underfoot | Garden Quote
So much of our food comes from soil but there's still so much to learn about it!
the ultimate goal of farming is not the growing of crops but the cultivation and protection of human beings
The Ultimate Goal of Farming | Garden Quote
What a great philosophy to follow when it comes to growing or own food! Want to grow your own? Learn how in my book, The Suburban Micro-Farm.
an image of a garden with the quote land is ultimately the most precious source we have
Land is Precious | Garden Quote
Yes! Land is both precious and finite. Let's take care of it! Learn more about taking care of your land and growing food in my book, The Suburban Micro-Farm.
a garden trowel with the quote to be a successful farmer, one must first know the nature of the soil
Nature of the Soil | Garden Quote
Healthy, quality soil can make all the difference in the success of what you're growing! Learn how to improve the quality of your soil.
a garden filled with lots of green plants and flowers next to a stone wall that reads much virture in herbs, little in men
Much Virtue in Herbs | Garden Quote
Love this quote! Nothing like fresh herbs, right? Learn how to grow your own in my book, The Suburban Micro-Farm!
a person holding a bowl full of strawberries with the quote to be successful, the first thing to do is fall in love with your work
Fall in Love with Your Work Quote
Especially when your work results in yummy fruits, veggies, and herbs from the garden!
a glass ball sitting in the dirt with a quote on it that reads,'the soil is the great connector of our lives, the source and destination of all
Soil is the Great Connector Quote
We have nothing without soil!
there is a plant in the dirt with a quote on it that says, do something even if it's wrong
Do Something Quote
Sometimes we learn through failure. Can you see what's wrong in this picture? 🤔
an apple tree with the quote you've got to go out on a limb sometimes because that's where the fruit is
Go Out on a Limb Quote
a glass ball sitting in the dirt with a quote on it that reads,'the soil is the great connector of our lives, the source and destination of all
Soil is the Great Connector Quote
We have nothing without healthy soil!
a coffee cup sitting on top of a wooden table in the grass with a quote from best cavias gammon
Coffee & Weeding Quote
Truth! How does your day begin?