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a poster with the words believe versus christian comparing the two types in blue and black
What Is a Believer? 10 Differences Between a Believer and a Christian
What is a believer? Well, a believer is someone who merely believes in Jesus, whereas a Christian actually follows His commands. #believer #believers #believersinChrist #believerofchrist #christian
an info sheet describing how to use swimming pool service and maintenance in orange, black and white
What are the lessons we can learn from the life of Joseph?
Here's an infographic summarizing the lessons you and I must learn from the life of Joseph from the Bible.
a poem written in blue ink with the words, he has given away many things
Scripture that encourages my heart. Definitely need to post around me daily!
the ten characteristics of faith on a white background
an image of a bird that is in the middle of a page with words on it
🙏FIGHTING SPIRITUAL BATTLES -“Lesson From The Eagle” The Eagle does not fight the snake on the ground...