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Healthy Vegetables Dish with Cabbage. 😋👌
The best way to start your day is with a balanced diet, plenty of fruits, vegetables, and physical activity. Keep your body fit and healthy with tips and advice from our channel.
Costilla asada súper jugosa estilo BBQ 🍖
· 3 servings 📝 INGREDIENTES • 2 costillares de cerdo • Sal y pimienta al gusto • Vinagre • Aceite de oliva virgen extra • Hierbas al gusto (provenzales, finas hierbas…) 🔸Salsa barbacoa: • 140g de kétchup • 35ml de vinagre de manzana • 2-3 cucharadas soperas de miel • 1 cucharada sopera de salsa de soja • 1 cdta de mostaza antigua • 1 cdta ajo en polvo • 1 cdta cebolla en polvo
Easy Egg Fried Rice
This easy egg fried rice takes only 15 minutes to make, which is perfect for a quick weekday meal or as a side to go with Chinese takeout entrees like chicken and broccoli and sesame chicken.
Egg fried rice, easy Chinese food recipes
Crispy Chicken & Creamy Cheddar Noodles: Elevate Your Party Vibes with Clean Food Indulgence!
Experience the ultimate comfort food with our Crispy Chicken paired with Creamy Cheddar Noodles! This mouthwatering dish not only satisfies your cravings but also brings clean food vibes to your party aesthetic. With tender crispy chicken and indulgent creamy cheddar noodles, it's a wholesome and delicious meal that's sure to impress your guests. Elevate your gatherings with this irresistible combination of flavors and textures. Try it now and let the clean food vibes shine through! 🍗🧀🍜
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🧈 Cómo Hacer Pasta con Salsa Alfredo 🍖 Receta Rápida y Fácil para Cenas Especiales 🌙🍝
¿Estás buscando un desafío culinario que encienda tus papilas gustativas y eleve tus habilidades en la cocina? 🍝 Bienvenido a la encantadora receta de pasta con salsa Alfredo, directamente desde el corazón de Italia. 🏛️🛵 #elartedecocinar #comohacer #pastaalfredo #recetasitalianas #amolacocina #salsasdeliciosas #cocinacasera #recetasfaciles #pasta #cocinaconamor