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Hope he unbox a legendary companion
a man with headphones on is looking at the camera and texting what's the most creative institution you've heard in a cold hobby?
Whats the most creative insult you've heard ina COD lobby? 6455 comments x quesorl Not even noah's ark can carry you animals id ag Liked by creator View replies (173) why you want my Gta traffic light have more use then you id 34 BK Liked by creator View replies (41) godseq My entire family's names and ages and 331K address vinnythesmitty If everyone aimed like you maybe JFK will still 24 be alive View replies (86) v itsjustcaddy Creator One guy told me to unplug my dance mat and 550 start using my controller ahaha View replies (2) v yourdailyhigh "you swim with a shirt on" td 13.9K Liked by creator View replies (62) v jaysmith1111 How you dodged a coat hanger for 9months baffles me View replies (37) v joshmkl He's camping harder than Anne frank. 4663 View replies (23) ryanguidroz You literally sound like type of person to climb 30987 over a glass wall to see what's on the other side View replies (12) v - iFunny
an image of two people sitting on the ground next to each other with words above them
You fool, you fell for one of the classic blunders!
an advertisement for a car that is parked in the grass
Ican not express to you how often i think about this craigslist ad You want a car that gets the job done? You want a car that's hassle free? You want a car that literally no one will ever compliment you on? Well look no further. Al The 1999 Toyota Corolla. Let's talk about features. Bluetooth: nope Sunroof: nope Fancy w Rear view camera: nope. it's got a transparent rear window and you have a fucking neck that can tum. Let me tell you a story. One day my Corolla started making a strange sound. I didn't give a shit and ignored it. It went away. The End. You could take the engine out of this car, drop it off the Golden Gate Bridge, fish it out of the water a thousand years later, put it in the trunk of the car, fill the gas tank up with Nutella, turn the key, and this puppy would fucking start right up. This car will outlive you, it will outlive your children, Things this car is old enough to do: Vote: yes Consent to sex: yes Real car: it IS a car This car's got history. It's seen some shit. People have done straight things in this car. People have done gay things in this car, It's not going to judge you like a fucking Volkswagen would. Interesting facts: This car's exterior color is gray, but it's interior color is grey. In the owner's manual, oil is listed as "optional." When this car was unveiled at the 1998 Detroit Auto Show, it caused all 2,000 attendees to spontancously yawn. The resulting abrupt change in air pressure inside the building caused a partial collapse of the roof. Four people died. The event is chronicled in the documentary "Bored to Death: The Story of the 1999 Toyota Corolla" You wanna know more? Great, had my car fill out Facebook survey. Favorite food: spaghetti Favorite tv show: Alf Favorite band: tie between Bush and the Gin Blossoms This car is as practical as a Roth IRA, It's as middle-of-the- road as your grandpa during his last Silver Alert, It's as utilitarian as a member of a church whose seripture is based entirely on water bills, When I ran the CarFax for this car, I got back a single piece of paper that said, "It's a Corolla, It's fine." Let's face the facts, this car isn't going to win any beauty contests, but neither are you. Stop lying to yourself and stop lying to your wife. This isn't the car you want, it's the car you deserve: The fucking 1999 Toyota Corolla. - iFunny