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two women in bikinis kissing on the beach near the ocean, black and white photo
Hanalei Reponty-Gudauskas on Instagram: "My baby is 3 🤍🥹 feeling all the feels today. Canyon Sun, thank you for making me want to make this world a better place, seeing life through your eyes has been my biggest joy. No words can ever be enough to tell you but you are the greatest gift of my life my son."
a woman is giving the peace sign with her hand
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a black and white photo of a baby's hand holding the top of its foot
L'emmaillotage, pour ou contre ? - Gazellemag
L’emmaillotage est une pratique ancestrale pratiquée dans la majorité des régions du monde. Elle revient en force en France où elle a été longtemps délaissée ! Mais l’emmaillotage est-il réellement bénéfique pour bébé et quels en sont les dangers ? Comment emmailloter son enfant sans risque ?
a black and white photo of a person's feet on a wooden floor in front of a window
two babies are laying on their back in the middle of a white blanket, looking at each other
Le bonheur d'avoir des jumeaux ! - Neufmois.fr
two women in white dresses standing next to each other on a black cloth covered ground
Photo (A well traveled woman)