Thirsty pictures

Get ready to be inspired with these refreshing and thirst-quenching pictures. Explore a collection of images that will leave you wanting more and ready to take on your next creative project.
There are a # of reasons why poverty has become an epidemic in Africa. Poverty can be the result of political instability, ethnic conflicts, climate change & other man-made causes. But 1 of the greatest causes of poverty in Africa is also the most overlooked...the lack of access to clean drinking water. Nearly one billion people do not have access to clean, safe water - that’s the equivalent of 1 in 8 people on the planet! Together we can all make a difference find an organization to support! Foto Langka, Alam Semula Jadi, People Of The World, 인물 사진, Faith In Humanity, Fotografi Potret, Anthropology, People Around The World, Tanzania

There are a # of reasons why poverty has become an epidemic in Africa. Poverty can be the result of political instability, ethnic conflicts, climate change & other man-made causes. But 1 of the greatest causes of poverty in Africa is also the most overlooked...the lack of access to clean drinking water. Nearly one billion people do not have access to clean, safe water - that’s the equivalent of 1 in 8 people on the planet! Together we can all make a difference find an organization to…

Martine Santerre Ranne