Tableaux vivants

Experience the magic of tableaux vivants and bring your favorite works of art to life. Discover how to create stunning living pictures that will leave your audience in awe.
My name is Lucie Kruta and five years ago I got the idea of capturing transformations of my growing children a little more creatively. I started to take pictures of my kids in the style of famous paintings.   The first photograph was actually a coincidence. Art History Halloween Costumes, Painting Costume, Tableaux Vivants, Istoria Artei, Creation Art, Idee Cosplay, Famous Paintings, Famous Artwork, Art Parody

My name is Lucie Kruta and five years ago I got the idea of capturing transformations of my growing children a little more creatively. I started to take pictures of my kids in the style of famous paintings. The first photograph was actually a coincidence.

Champa House

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