Poem pictures

Explore a collection of beautiful poem pictures that will stir your emotions and spark your creativity. Find inspiration for your own writing or simply enjoy the artistry of these captivating images.
Abigail Leith Luxford on Instagram: "“And when you appear All the rivers sound In my body, bells Shake the sky, And a hymn fills the world. Only you and I, Only you and I, my love, Listen to it.” - Pablo Neruda, Love Poems . Art - ‘Never Let Me Go’, by Anne Magill, 1962 . #pabloneruda #lovepoems #annemagill #lovers #sailor #mylove #neverletmego" Books, Books Wattpad, Wattpad

Abigail Leith Luxford on Instagram: "“And when you appear All the rivers sound In my body, bells Shake the sky, And a hymn fills the world. Only you and I, Only you and I, my love, Listen to it.” - Pablo Neruda, Love Poems . Art - ‘Never Let Me Go’, by Anne Magill, 1962 . #pabloneruda #lovepoems #annemagill #lovers #sailor #mylove #neverletmego"

Abigail Leith Luxford