Mexican star wars

Explore a galaxy far, far away with our collection of Mexican Star Wars collectibles and memorabilia. Discover unique items that will transport you to the world of Jedi and Sith.
Dia De Los Muertos Crafts - Craftfoxes Star Wars Art, Skull Tattoos, Sugar Skull Tattoos, Stars Wars, Star Wars Day, Star Wars Humor, Sugar Skulls, Love Stars, Dia De Muertos

Broaden your October craft color palette with Dia De Los Muertos (Day of the Dead) hot pink and lime-green skulls, flowers and flags. Dia De Los Muertos is a Mexican holiday celebrated just after Halloween. Families gather to remember those who have died, but not to remember the grief. It’s thought of as a celebration (and many adult souls get gifts of tequila left on their graves). Traditional crafts include sugar skulls, paper marigolds and altars. Break out of classic North…

Marie-Ève Gagnon