Kirby cartoon

Experience the magic of Kirby in these top-rated cartoon episodes. Join Kirby on his adventures as he battles enemies, makes new friends, and saves the day. Don't miss out on the excitement - watch now!
Special Abilities, Kirby Nintendo, Video Game Tattoo, Kirby Games, Pokemon Sketch, Megaman X, Kirby Art, Gaming Tattoo, Super Mario Art


Sword is one of Kirby's Copy Abilities, debuting in Kirby's Adventure. By Inhaling sword-wielding foes, Kirby becomes a skilled swordsman capable of using a variety of techniques. Sword is one of the 25 Copy Abilities introduced in Kirby's Adventure. Sword allows Kirby to attack enemies within a short range in front of him. Sword is one of the few Copy Abilities to have more than one move, and can be used underwater. Sword is obtained from Blade Knight and Sword Knight, and Meta Knight gives…
