
813 Pins
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a painting of a lighthouse in the middle of a stormy sea with sunbeams
a window with the words shakespeare written on it and snow covered ground in the background
a man wearing a hat and glasses in front of a black and white photo with a quote on it
a painting with an image of a man in front of a building and the caption reads,'nao ha tatos eternos eferros, comos, comos, como no ha verdas nos verados, vedraes absolhas ab
an image of a guitar that is being played on the webpage, with instructions for how to use it
Like Guitar Hero for your Ukulele! - Yanko Design
a black and white photo with the words, no procure o que ha de bom nas cosas externas, busque en ti mesmono
Meditation Exercises, Eastern Philosophy, Chakra System, Binaural Beats, Mad World, Music Heals, Sound Healing, Sacral Chakra, World Music
Sound Healing: The Power of Sound (Binaural Beats Meditation Included!)
a man standing on top of a cliff with a quote above it that reads, la parte que ingoramos e mulito mair