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Hand of mental health
Tecnica NEMO Para l
#saludmental #psicologia #pensamientos #emociones #gestionemocional #validandoemociones #sanar #emocionesysentimientos
Autorregulación emocional
#saludmental #psicologia #emociones #pensamientos #parati #fyp #amorpropio #autoconocimiento #ayudapsicológica #emocionesysentimientos #regulacionemocional #validandoemociones #gestionemocional #saludmental
a pink poster with words in spanish and english on the bottom right hand corner that says, tecnica 2 pesamientos intrusivos
two people sitting on top of a rock with the caption's in spanish
the words are written in different languages on a whiteboard with black and yellow writing
a cartoon drawing of a man and woman with a speech bubble above them that says hello, soy un error que compete
Karen Castilla (@karencastilla.i) • Fotos y vídeos de Instagram