Music Legends

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four young men are standing on the steps in front of a building, one is wearing a hat
legiao urbana
black and white photograph of three people posing for the camera
Os Paralamas do Sucesso são uma das mais importantes bandas da história da música brasileira e latina. Com 38 anos de carreira, 27 discos lançados, dezenas de sucessos e incontáveis shows pelo Brasil e pelo mundo, o grupo segue na estrada, influenciando novas gerações e arrebatando plateias de todas as idades.
two men pose with an electric guitar in front of a green background while another man stands behind them
As 13 melhores músicas do Engenheiros do Hawaii
As 13 melhores músicas dos Engenheiros do Hawaii
black and white photograph of three men eating at a table with wine glasses in front of them
three young men are posing for a photo with guitars and an instrument in front of a banana peel
two men are standing next to each other
a group of people standing on top of a beach next to a palm tree and ball
four young men are posing for a photo with their guitar on the top of a mountain
three people standing next to each other in front of a fence
Engenheiros Do Hawaii
two men and a woman on the beach posing for a photo with an elaborate fan
Paula Toller: a trajetória da vocalista do Kid Abelha
two men are pointing at the camera in front of a sign that says, os salamas do cero