anakin skywalker

|| and all the kids cried out, "please stop, you're scaring me." i can't help this awful energy. god damn right, you should be scared of me. who is in control?…
108 Pins
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31 Pins


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11 Pins


38 Pins
a young man wearing a darth vader t - shirt with his hands folded
Create dynamic edits, curate your gallery and immerse yourself in inspiring and motivating content.
a young man in a suit and tie looking at the camera with two other people behind him
Always & Forever // Elijah Wood
a man in a robe holding a light saber
Create dynamic edits, curate your gallery and immerse yourself in inspiring and motivating content.
a young man with blood on his face and eyeliners is looking at the camera
Hayden Christensen in the makeup chair, testing out the Dark Side eyes
black and white photograph of a young man wearing a shirt and tie, leaning against a wall
black and white photograph of a man's face with his hair in the wind
cecile in wonderland
a man sitting on top of a bed next to a window