Wwii women

Explore the brave and inspiring stories of women during WWII. Learn about their contributions and sacrifices that shaped history and continue to inspire generations.
Shirley Slade. WWII WASP pilot of B-26 and B-29. The Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASP) was a civilian organization who’s members were in the US Civil Service. These women became trained pilots who tested aircraft, transported equipment and trained other pilots. #ww2 #wwii #wwiihistory #military #usnavy #history #ww2history #usarmy #usairforce #marines #1940s #1940sfashion #soldier #airmen #women #womeninuniform #armedforces #womeninmilitary #militarywomen #armyrotc #veteran #veterans Quadra Shirley Slade, Ww2 Women, Wwii Women, Female Pilots, Carmen Electra, Female Pilot, Boeing 777, F 35, Female Soldier

Shirley Slade. WWII WASP pilot of B-26 and B-29. The Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASP) was a civilian organization who’s members were in the US Civil Service. These women became trained pilots who tested aircraft, transported equipment and trained other pilots. #ww2 #wwii #wwiihistory #military #usnavy #history #ww2history #usarmy #usairforce #marines #1940s #1940sfashion #soldier #airmen #women #womeninuniform #armedforces #womeninmilitary #militarywomen #armyrotc #veteran #veterans…
