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Robbie Bourdon on Intense

Jul 18, 2008
by Jordan Holmes  
Robbie Bourdon has been riding for Kona the last few years, but recently it was announced Robbie will be riding a Intense Cycle bike. Congrats Robbie!Intense Cycles is proud to announce that World Class Freerider Robbie Bourdon has chosen to ride Intense frames. Intense has always, and will always be involved in top level racing, but we also wanted to show the world that our bikes perform equally as well off the race course and out on the trails. Robbie’s incredible skills and riding style represent the perfect showcase for the Intense brand. Robbie also has a great deal of knowledge regarding what makes a great freeride bike. His collaboration with Jeff Steber will lead to more exciting designs from Intense in the future. Robbie is currently riding the new Intense Slopestyle frame.

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spoiledgoods avatar

Member since Mar 20, 2000
624 articles

  • 53 12
 LOL, maybe that midget can handle a bike thats alot lighter than his kona. Intense could has anyone, why would they pick robbie. I dont care how far or high he can jump, that man has the least style I have ever seen in a pro mountain biker. Neg props, here i come.
  • 19 3
 No neg props. You're allowed to have an opinion. Mind you, I partially disagree with it. Why not be happy for Robbie? It'd be a lot easier on your own constitution when you think about it. Peace.
  • 7 16
flag pbdsolutions (Jul 18, 2008 at 13:25) (Below Threshold)
 least style - he can 360 flatspin!
  • 5 4
 dont try and use that as any style evidence. he has no style atall.that was a crazy move he pulled and never landed. its its lame when someone just trys to a flip or 360.its just spins nothing that takes real style skills.BUT,im hapy for robbie id never expect this but atleast hes riding for sweet company that sounds promising for him.sounds like they want to keep him for furure frame design it said.lets see whats ahead for him is he still going to be in nwd?
  • 4 12
flag dustingilding (Jul 18, 2008 at 17:17) (Below Threshold)
 AQctually he's landed it now idiot
  • 8 1
 xtremefreerida least style... hmm as much as i hate watching Robbie "Air" Bourdon on his bike, but i have to admit he has got the balls that you my friend would even dream about... the man does not care of his well-being, he does for the passion for bikes and he my friend can surely rip the hardest of obsticles on his two wheels... and i think that his move to INTENSE is a wise choice, because he can re-invent himself and maybe even we will see a new side of him... same as what happened to Steve "Romo" Romaniuk when he all of a sudden switched to Mangoose and we don't see him shred that hard as opposed to when he was riding for Specialized...

  • 2 1
 Mongoose Mountain Bikes - i meant to say :/
  • 3 2
 Dude, it doesn't care if it's a mongoose or a specialized or a kona or an intense or whatever, you can put a pro rider on any bike and they'll perform well.
  • 0 4
flag magnusts (Jul 19, 2008 at 9:32) (Below Threshold)
 WHAT???? has he landed that huge 3 in nwd 8?:S
  • 2 1
 and i know bourdo has major guts that no one on pinkbike could match im just saying perhaps rite now his riding style is just the start of the sport and its not that big anymore.like bmx started out all flatground,now no one realy cares about flatgroubd sure people still do it and watch it and all and im not diss respecting it,but its not as popular as dirt or street. u see now kona doesnt have a sinlge hucker! they have tootaly over time re created there team to racing and a slopsetyle/dj/street team. its hard to say if it was a smart move for kona to do that....no one to show that there bikes can do 30+ drops anymore,but for intense people think there bikes are not strong enough,so bourdon can huck them and people will think there great for freeride and buy them more.
  • 1 3
 t3aSeR here my friend i would argue with you a lot... as my example with Romo shows he does not rip as hard... wait let me rephrase that so that you will understand: Romo's switch did absolutely nothing good for him... what it did is basically turn one of the best mountain biker to an invisible man... sure people do remember him, but what ahs he done recently on screen that people know about? let's see... Kranked 7 his last drop and that is it... he has absolutely switched his riding style, to a more adventure type, which to be honest in my opinion looks like Hans Rey's...

konad i do agree that Kona is going to regret that they have lost one of the iconic figures, even he is not that big of a star as the others, but he is almost like Joshua Bender... which shows how the sport once was before it turned into Slopestyle/Freestyle mania...
  • 1 1
 if one is to add to the last being said: Vanderham said that nobody has to forget the full suspension bikes and big drops, because that is where it started !!! and by quoting this i would say that Bourdon's way or style (either way how you prefer it) shows us all exactly that
  • 2 0
 you guys... style isnt about the gnar gnar tricks its about your flow, and how you execute those tricks.
  • 0 0
 forsure man and most people know that.thats why when u go to course u dotn do some double whip all skcthy and dont do anythign else u gota be smooth with big tricks consitantly off all sorts off diferent obstacles.thats what the judges want to see. who does the bigest tricks done smooth off evrything and consitantly.i also think that romo has had a benefit and disadvantage. romo isint quit as big of a deal as he was with specialized back in rampage days,but the rampage is gone and mongoose gives him alllot of benefit.he gets to ride sick bikes and get way more money the specialized gave him.
  • 25 8
  • 24 4
 So is camping
  • 6 2
 whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa???no way
  • 6 1
 Yea I'd switch to intense if I was him too in no time.
  • 4 2
 have to agree with scottcampbell that is intense Big Grin Kona's pro mountain bikers are leaving and it is not a very good sign, in my opinion...
  • 0 0
 yeh fabiens gone too ay
  • 1 2
 yay. i don't like kona anyways. atleast not their FS bikes. they're all sh*t. their DJ bikes are sick though.
  • 8 1
 wow, definetly didnt see that coming.
  • 6 3
 He doesn't have the most style of all the pro riders of course. He has the most determination and flat out huckableness tho. That man is a frickin badass no matter what you say. There is a reason my favorite section in NWD movies is usually his. He dominates them.
  • 4 0
 Top bad he got kicked out of the Kona team. Does this also mean that they are going to drop Stinky 2-4?
  • 0 0
 hahaha...i got that one
  • 2 1
 I think robbie will ride better with a intense than a kona stinky, but dudes kona stinkys are just gr8 I have got one with 66 roco and and other good parts and I wont change it for a Fr intense bike so, besides you guys are always seeing Kona stab's kracked but You dont usually see Kona stinkys so :o don't think that Kona isn't so bad or that kona sucks, Just love stinkys and that's all let the neg props come.. : D
  • 1 0
 "wow sooo many of you must be real NEW to mountain bikes- no clue about this guys skills or history let alone why Intense would want some diversity on its team."

We all know just about every free rider has a racing back ground beacuse free riding is still fairly new.

I just think Intense is trying to get some puplicty with Robbie. Smart move.
  • 1 0
 Ive seen freeriding pics and vids of this guy for nearly 10 years- I dont know if he raced - hes not the flavor of the month or a DJ in chick jeans but he is one of the pioneers of freeriding and still rides hard. Intense just released a non racing bike and thats all they are known for so yeah it is a smart move.
  • 1 0
 Man this is good news seriously. He's one of the only huckers left out there. he's like a better version of bender because he actually lands the drops but still goes huge.If you hate on Robbie you obviously haven't watched NWD7
  • 2 2
 This is great Robbie is an proper big mountain rider. good to see that intense are willing to take on someone who isn't a slopestyler. i don't have anything against slopestyle but the reason Robbie got taken off Kona was to make way for more Slopestylers.
  • 1 0
 OMG! This helmet is horrible... I believed Robbie is sane but why did he put this f*cking helmet on? I had better he ask his sponsors for a fullface helmet. Anything can happpens at any time. Am I right? OMG!
  • 8 4
 congrats to robbie, great move for intense
  • 3 0
 hell yea hes actually riding decent bikes now!
  • 2 2
 Robbie is a pioneer of the freeride world. He's been sending it forever. Intense made a good move because Robbie is still gonna be in NWD movies and this will give them even more coverage. Nelson riders kill it and always will.
  • 2 2
 I think this is just a really weird move from Robbie. I mean Robbie is not a racer. Intense really only like makes race bikes, not really free ride style bikes. I don't know maybe Intense will make a more free ridey bike. I mean you dont really see a lot off pro free riders rockin an Intense.
  • 1 0
 when was the last time you used your eyes?!
  • 0 0
 They made the Uzzi. Kinda do it all DH/FR rig. Bit like the SC VPFree. Curiously, both are now out of production, being revised. Hmmm....what gives here ?
  • 0 0
 Thats ok then, because hes using the 6.6Slopestyle.

Robbie is currently riding the new Intense Slopestyle frame.
  • 2 0
 wow sooo many of you must be real NEW to mountain bikes- no clue about this guys skills or history let alone why Intense would want some diversity on its team.
  • 0 0
 i rode an stinky for about 3 years and an intense m1 just makes you feel more confident with everything plus even tho its only got 6 inches travel it wears you out way faster than the intense. good move robbie, i loved my stinky to death but the intense is just nasty
  • 0 0
 "cliffdog (July 21, 2008 at 1:41) (Below Threshold) show comment
hell yea
hes actually riding decent bikes now! "

ya thts y hes allredy broke 2 intense bikes in less then 3 months and he only broke 2 konas one year o ya defintly bettr bikes- wel not realy
  • 0 0
 k seriusly none of you can lip pros less u can rip bettr thn thm which none of you can robbies my cousin and it is realy hurtful and a pissoff see shit like this sure i lipd him bout hsi new bikes but thtsonly cus i no how shity thy r and how easily he brakes them
  • 6 3
 He will gets better frames than before !
  • 3 16
flag ericpeterson (Jul 18, 2008 at 13:26) (Below Threshold)
 no..they're really thin
  • 9 4
 intense frames are like 100000000000000000 times better than stinky frames
  • 0 2
 hmm what an exact calculation.
  • 0 0
 it's almost true. i conclude that intense is 1000000000000000.98743954 times better with my calculations.
Big Grin
  • 3 0
 thier gonna have to make some gnarlier frames now lol
  • 2 4
 i'm stoaked for him finding a nice company...but i never hear good things about their frames. they're just way to thin, he'll brake it in a day with all the crashing he does. my buddy dented his majorly from a rock, and other guys we've talked too have ruined them from only shuttling...
  • 0 3
 Never hear of a rock denting a frame before....? I see it ALL the time
  • 0 0
 Socom is FRO - light frame for race only. Kinda like a disposable race bike that looks pure sex in the flesh. So yeah, some may get bashed. It's hardly news, is it ?
  • 1 1
 that's deff. interesting news. it will be funny to watch the fridge on an Intense as we are so used to seeing him on a stinky!
  • 2 1
 hahahaha actually xtremefreerida jay hoots has the least style ever for a pro he really shouldent be sponsord
  • 0 0
 Hoots is riding for Norco for reasons way beyond style and riding. That guy runs so many camps for beginners all over the continant, hes a great all around rider and a damn nice guy. hes also fast as hell too. Try riding with these guys before bashing them
  • 0 0
 why would intense want a shit rider umm ride for them, robbie is awesome, if he can ride that big on a kona lets see what he can do with a new beast
  • 1 0
 your all f**kin idiots robbie would stomp you fags into the ground its a shame kona dropped him he is a legend!!!!!!!!!!~!!!
  • 0 0
 una pena siempre vi a robbie echo para cona considia con su estilo saludos
  • 0 3
 pfft, bourdon is such a loser, u bailed on the red bull ride in Australia, that was so gay. we Aussies dont tolerate pussies, u are a total gay pussy, bourdon, come down to Aus and actually ride. UJ totally bailed on the red bull ride, Robby Bourden , dont come back to Aus, we dont tolerate fag DH riders
  • 1 0
 Wow, never saw that coming, awesome!!
  • 2 1
 soo stoked for robbie he needed a change
  • 3 2
 felicidades bourdon,
  • 0 0
 His style is no style...great rider..
  • 3 2
 good choice robbie
  • 1 1
 This is RANDOM!!! Its awesome to see Robbie on a company like Intense!!
  • 1 1
 GOOOOOOO Robbie! Intense is lucky to have u!
  • 1 0
  • 0 0
 very surprising, bourdon has been riding a kona for a whileeeeeeeeee
  • 0 0
 who is vanderham riding for now?
  • 0 1
 gratz and good luck at rampage
  • 0 0
 i love kona
  • 3 4
 Lol Robbie Bourdon sucks
  • 0 2
 robbie "no style" bourdon
  • 0 1
 what!?! no... he has the steeziest straight air's i've ever seen
  • 0 1
 how tall is he
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