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Norco Team DH and Aline Park Series 2009 Bikes

Jul 23, 2008
by Tyler Maine  
The other day I gave you an introduction to the Norco Empire 5 and you all seemed pretty stoked on it, so today I bring you the entire DH / Park Series of bikes. Yep the Team DH, the Aline Park Edition, the Aline and the Atomik. These bikes are built for gravity's play ground! Be it shuttle runs in the back of the truck or loading up the chair lift at your local bike park to winning WC DH events, this is your series of machines to take on that task.

Check them out!No cross country going on here, these bikes are pure bred to go down and to do it fast! The Team DH, the Aline Park Edition and the Aline have all received a full once over that has resulted in a completely new frame, while the Atomik is utilizing last year's Team DH frame set.

For 2009 you'll also find these models available in three sizes with a true large offering in the mix. Great for all you guys over 6'1" that used to have to make due. The new frames are lighter, with a really low center of gravity that should aid you in keep it fast in the corners and in the rough.

-rider focus: Pro level and grass roots racers to the shuttle and bike park crowd
-8"-9" of travel
-150x12mm rear drop out spacing
-1.5" head tubes
-adjustable BB height and Head tube angles
-dual crown forks

Team DH - $7100


-lighter rear stays and drop outs than the Alines
-sub 40lbs stock build


Views: 13,306    Faves: 16    Comments: 28

Aline Park Edition - $4750

-durable parts spec
-MAXLE compatible

Aline - $3700


-heavy duty stays and replaceable drop outs
-DH Casing tires
-hydro-formed tubes


Views: 9,754    Faves: 11    Comments: 10

Atomik -$3100

-uses the 2008 Team DH frame
-1.5" head set
-Boxxer race
-lighter race spec parts

Check back for more details on the Shore series, the SIX series and Dirt/Street series bikes in the days to follow.

Past 2009 Stories:


-Tyler "Brule" Maine

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Member since Mar 27, 2001
3,581 articles

  • 18 4
 lol theres not one straight tube on that bike!
  • 11 29
flag FregoS (Jul 23, 2008 at 1:39) (Below Threshold)
 Seems like copying specialized.. Smile
I didn't like the team dh, but the aline looked better
  • 7 22
flag mike-smith (Jul 23, 2008 at 3:00) (Below Threshold)
 got it wrong there mate, specialized are copying norco! norco's line last year seemed to suggest something like this would be out in '09
  • 14 7
 You have to admit..it looks just... awful!
  • 2 8
flag sam4412 (Jul 23, 2008 at 5:40) (Below Threshold)
 actualy there is one straight tube on it! look at the old FSR they took off a 2003 bighit! wont be straight for long iv seen so manny people bend those things!
  • 8 2
 ya so norco's thinking. these are pre-bent.
  • 1 1
 hmm. i just cant pin the feeling i have about these wavy tubes...
  • 0 0
 well first off, I would hope and pray that the head-TUBE and BB, are straight, and those seat and chain-stays apear to be straight to me...
  • 16 4
 the new bie remind me of the old kona stab,but they look AMAZING i realy want the a-line
  • 16 5
 damn!! they're nice. I wish I could buy one of these. The A-Line Is pretty expensive but I think it worth it's price, but the blue boxxer is soooooo nice!
  • 11 1
 defo something diferent Smile very origanal
  • 6 0
 Got to say they dont appeal to me one bit. The frame just looks horriable, personly i dont like the rear shocks i prefer the outer coil ones not the air ones for that kinda bike, mabey its just me though. But the blue boxers do look nice.

Good job on the report though tup
  • 10 1
 Super bike! beau travail!!!!
  • 5 0
 im sure they ride nicely but they're downright ugly. that frame style for the empire was alright because it was a new bike but these frames are just rediculously retro and ugly. last years downhill bikes looked sick, they shouldve left em at that
  • 8 2
 cant wait to see the shore and six, these look sweet, id prefer a 888 on the team dh tho, other than that i couldnt really fault it
  • 5 1
 because the way a bike looks means how good or not good it is. None of you jokers have even ridden one of the new frames. change in mountain biking obviously isnt a good thing. I am not a fan of the design myself but i'll wait to ride one before i judge one.
  • 5 1
 to all of those ding dong making comments without actually have ridden bike before do you really now what your talking about. color are personal taste. you don`t like it ok but you don;t need to trash the entire line.
maybe you like a pink bike; I don`t! still respect your choice. 7100$ will be the rice to be next year. your nice cover or Snata cruz will be be more expensive next year be ready for that. I read an acticle on the price of rubber, raw material and shipping cost going up for next year. they were talking about 10% to 25% increase for next year. so Start saving your dollar now; if you want yopu santa cruz. on top of that the guy talking about not improving in the last 10 years; what are you riding a Kona? I guess!

my 2 cents!!!
  • 2 0
 thats so true, honestly if you want a top of the line bike thats probly gunna be around what your looking at.
  • 5 1
 norco has f*cked up. there going to loose alot of people that used to ride norco. i didnt much mind them before. but look at there fully's now. they made there new frames look "cool" for teens to buy there bikes. once they realize what they bought its already to late. a pro that knows anything about there bikes will take one look at this years and 09s bikes and keep walking. norco has gone to hell.
  • 5 1
 ohh here's a thought about the weight of these frames..

Isn't the shortest distance between 2 points a STRAIGHT LINE ??

Now, having said that wouldn't having all those bends and Annealed tubes require more metal to form the tube and Keep it's strength?? as it's not a straight line it is adding to the weight overall of the bike,, And also Very ugly ( which has been said )
  • 1 1
 very good point!!!
  • 7 0
 Pretty cool how the Atomik uses last year's Team DH frame.
  • 4 1
 I don't think is ugly, is a lot of different, maybe in some months some of you will agree that's a nice bike when other brands start to desing weird frames with the technology. Is like some Duati motorcycles, when they are launched they look ugly, but after some months and different brands start to copy them, the Ducati looks the nicest, just wait. And about the ride, I have no one yet, but NORCO say a lot in good bikes and awesome performance. cheers!!!
  • 5 2
 I've been riding an '08 shore for a few months now...for all of those who poo poo Norco, you havent ridden any of their bikes lately. They ride so sweet, corner and are fast as he##.

Ignorant comments don't make them right.
  • 3 0
 cantthink of a diferent frame design or what cmon..... the new gravity/DH frames have almost the same design as the 2008 shore lin up...7000$$$ for a team DH... ill just go buy a shore and put a trple crown on it lol and save 2000$$
  • 5 1
 Wow.. just plain ugly.. Hideous in fact ( IMO )
what in the hell is with all the Rounded, bendy frames that are coming out for 09 ???

these are disgusting looking bikes that I couldnt see performing much better.
  • 8 1
  • 3 1
 $7100.00 is really not that expensive once you see everyone else bike prices. Raw material costs, labor and inflation are all weighing in on the increased retail prices. BUT why is the GT full carbon Fury down hill cost less? That GT Fury is 10 times more techy and exotic that the Noodle Norco. C'on Norco, its just bent round tubes and some hydroforming... does not justify the expense.
  • 3 1
 god, the 08 norco's were ugly and i was hoping they would have realized it and made there bikes better, but these ones are even uglier. i dont even want to see norco's hardtails in 09. i think the last good looking year for norco was 07
  • 3 1
 I have never seen an uglier bike. What's with the bendy tubes? Is it an exercise in engineering to make them stand out? If it is it's failed because the new SX trail is just as bad!

It would simply seem to be a justification in the big price tag by adopting a newer 'different' style to the other brands. Form over function to the extreme. It's called marketing, nothing to do with progression or you the rider.

Buy last years model. It will ride the same, cost less and look a shit load better.
  • 0 0
 with norco it's ALWAYS about marketing, that's why you see so many of them. they advertise the most.
  • 3 1
 looks a little strange... but supposed to have a better ride than previous models.... - build quality seems reasonable for Norco, but certainly no comparison to the rear links on Specialized's sleds - for example - the SX's rear links are genious - no DU bushing, shock terminates at the pivot, no slop and very low-pro pivot designs... yes, Norco's are functional, just not as ballin' as some... but hey, you may save some coin here.... so no complaints...
  • 0 0
 yeah, it's so rad that if you need to replace your rear shock that you have no choice but to buy it through specialized, and whatever propritary brand they've decided to go with for that year, not to mention the joy of putting together FSR linkage with little bushings flying everywhere.....
  • 7 2
 the team dh has great colors but i still dont't like norcos...
  • 2 1
 I think some of you do link non-straight tubes with broken tubes. The fact that the tube aint straight doesn't mean they will break in the first drop. You should really get some physical structure lessons. Anyway, I think Norco bikes are really interesting! If in the next years I cannot find original IH parts to update my bike, then Norco is definitely one brand I'll take into consideration. But that's just my opinion and I respect you all. Peace out and nice rides xD
  • 1 1
 i'm no engineer, but i have always found that once a metal tube is bent, it takes alot less force to bend it more (or break it).
  • 2 1
 the age of swoop-
the swoopy tube complex that has hit our sport is actually functional to a degree.
As bike travel goes up, stand-over heights also go up... how do you fix it? -Change the form of your toptube.
Long travel single crowns require a kinked downtube at the head tube to clear the fork crown, then the downtube has to drop low enough to accomidate shocks and linkages and a new, lower toptube. See what I am getting at?
Now in Norco's case, looks as if they met the function of the formed tobes and kept on going and going and going, now they are in a dark and ugly place, how long will their fire last? Will it start raining?
  • 2 1
 never really liked norco... and now along with the new speshi range some of the most bent awful looking bikes ever made, im now ashamed of owning a bighit 06 personally i think there grubby and ugly as a monkeys but hole after a horse and frantically fornicated with it and cream pied the poor bugger
  • 4 3
 It's pretty sad to se so many people saying the same thing. Only a few people here actually had something original to say and the rest of you just jumped on the band wagon and put no real thought into what you could say.

I love that frame design I have last years six and and last years DH. The six still puts a smile on my face every time I ride it. I have had the oppurtunity to ride Norco's dh bikes for the last 7 years now and in those years the geometry has been tweaked into a full wc race machine that weighs in @ 37.5 for 2009 out of the box with no mods. Last year Norco was praised for this new frame platform for the Six and Shore series bikes and now all of a sudden everyone hates it? Truth be told you are all entitled to your own opinions as am I but you really shouldn't critically judge someting you have never ridden. The DH spec is second to none and the cost of new molds for things like forged link arms and a new clevis at the rear pivot are not cheap to re-engineer every year added to the cost of raw materials going up as earlier noted leading to the high price and this will not only affect Norco's so whatever brand you plan on buying this year will cost you more so suck it up.

I rode the 2009 A-line Park in Whistler last week during the product launch and I honestly had a really hard time giving it back to the fine staff @ Norco who let me shred on 1. The new shock position puts the weight right where it needs to be in the frame and brought the center of gravity right into the sweet spot along with the low stand over provided by the curved hydroformed tubes the bike sailed from freight train to the glc drop effortlessly.

My 2 cents, quit bitching about what you don't like or know about and go to your local bike shop, have them set 1 up for you and roll it in the parking lot at least before you beak off.
  • 3 2
 well said familyman. not only that the a-line performs like a dream but the new 2009 looks really cool. the design it's so futuristic and the lines inspire innovation and durability. really guys, don't make any bad comment before you ride one. it's a beautiful bike with great performance and maneuverability
  • 1 2
 the new design DOES NOT look futuristic at all... Looks just like a 1999 kona stab which is 10 years old now....
  • 1 0
 hey frdh, get some glasses and have a closer look to '99 kona stab, by comparison
  • 3 0
 yet another company going back to bent top and down tubes... has nobody got even a basic grasp of engeneering? style over strength and function
  • 1 0
 Why does the V-10 keep on coming into this conversation? The Team DH and the V-10 are completely different bikes for completely different riding styles. Why not compare the Boxxer WC to a SuperMonster. . . . . basically the same thing. . .

As for all the Kona Stab comments, has anyone actually looked at a 99 Stab lately???? Here is a link


I think not. . .. yes it has a curved downtube. . . but take a look at the headtube angle, linkage position or anything else and they have ZERO resemblance. I am stoked and can't wait to try one out. Less than 40lbs stock. You would spend a couple grand getting any other stock bike to that. . . .
  • 1 0
 they are all nice bikes but i dont like the roco airs i find it recks them and i find the 08 park edition was the best bike and i still think it is better then the 09s but they still are all nice bikes i find. excepts the air shocks.
  • 3 3
 They look like a pregnant horse to me... RM's gone the same way with the design.. i just don't like one bit of it Frown
If i'd like this this design i'd go for a RM = lower CG etc.
I guess the only thing i'd do with one is give it to a girl (they like things like that)
Cheers on the new stuff from Norco, i hope someone finds their dream-bike in that form.
  • 6 1
 absolutely love 'em
  • 10 7
 could they get more ugly. They look clumsy and wierd. Looks like an old skool kona stab front end from 1999!
  • 6 1
 i want the team dh!
  • 3 3
 aline? What a contrived name. Yes, Aline is a fun trail, whoopdy Freakin DO! I would expect more from a Canadian company, seems like they are trying too hard. They might as well just call the bike "the Whistler" and be done with it. Oh yea, them bikes are ugly too
  • 6 2
 wow... these bikes are so ugly. sorry norco, you lost a fan here.
  • 2 1
 i just got a 08 shore and it has the same general shape... i love it! im 5'9" and its great... lots of travel and great stand over!!! the colors the new dh's come in are terrible... but hey some people like that.
  • 1 1
 another thing you have to admit.. with the new avid elixer.. look at the problems they had with the codes.. this is a whole new frame design for norco and brand new never used parts. that would equal an epic fail ftw.. i had the first codes when they came out and they had problems..7100 is greatly overpriced..
  • 1 1
 hmmmm...... this tells me somthing 95% of the comments made about are about how these bike suck so bad so eather peaple hate norco (because there gay) or they are all sheep following what everyone else says because its cool, if you havent riden one f*ckoff until you do stop hating on shit because A) you cant afford it or B) you find it cool to make fun of shit because everyone else has
  • 0 0
 im talking about the peaple being gay
  • 0 0
 yea, we goota watch out for the peaples!
  • 1 1
 flatland, i bet most of these people here have rode the 08 norcos (I rode the park edition in whistler as well) personally with out a doubt I would NEVER EVER buy a norco after such a terrible experience riding them in whistler for only a week. and second all these people arent going along and agreeing with everyone else that they are ugly (its just a fact that they are gross looking frames) I mean look at it. The frame looks like its been crashed into something like the 1999 kona stab... And last but not least, I bet at least half of the people that have commented here own a full custom rig that really takes some dough out of your pocket, I have a race link and it rides awesome and its a great looking frame and yes it costs more than this crappy looking team Dh... So its not that we cant afford it, its just that there are much better bikes out there, including the m6 yeti or something like a v10....
  • 1 1
 Not really shure , about the new design , looking like they totally switched there frame idea;s and are using Kona or similar mounting points for the rear shock, older Konas. Colours are pretty horrid. And the price for the DH is crazy, you can build one heck of a bike for that much with better parts than that for shure. Im thinking an 07 or previous might be better some of the 08 were alright.
  • 4 1
 bike prices are going to go up next year, but who wouldn't get a V-10 over this for that price???
  • 3 1
$7100 for that?
that has to be the simplest sus. design i've ever seen.
and with that ugly swoop in the frame looks terrible.
i mean, strait as a scribble...
  • 5 1
  • 3 0
 great bike but holy cow 7100.00!! Bike prices are getting crazy
  • 7 1
 You can almost get 1.5 Giant DH's for 7100.
  • 2 5
 haha, my thought exactly, not to mention, giant's suspension works WAAAAAY better than poopy norco!
  • 1 3
 Giant Glory DHs' retail for almost 2000$ less...
  • 0 0
 Edit... I just got what blubullit ment!
  • 9 5
 they all look terrible
  • 4 1
 OMG that ate the beautifulest bikes .........
  • 4 2
 7k for a norco?

fantastic components, can't lie, but 7k is a heavy price tag for a norco...
  • 2 3
 those frames looks as if they were made from plastic and stand too long in the sun.. awful! If all bike companies will make bikes like that, I'm sure I'll have to weld some frames by myself, just not to ride something so disgusting.
  • 3 0
 wow they're expensive tho
  • 1 1
 'Think I remember Mountain Biking UK giving thumbs-up to a Norco full-sus' in some bike comparison shoot-out. I agree it's one buck-f'ugly $7100 bike...but that won't matter when you have it pinned.
  • 3 0
 I like the chrome...the bends make the bike look fluid.
  • 2 0
 im deff not diggin it, but i guess since ill prob never ride 1 ill never no how they handle, or ride.
  • 2 1
 I would get a Yeti 303 for that price, what a rip off it should be cheaper. I did hear that China bought up all the metal might be why the bike costs so much.
  • 1 1
 Norco slacking alot!!! Sometimes it's not all about looks but performence!
I would need to try one to know. But still it's a ugly bike! But hopefully
it performence better then it looks:P
  • 4 1
 all i can say is that norco must think people are maid out of money
  • 4 1
 The frame looks a bit like the 1994 stab series... destined for failure.
  • 2 3
 i like norco bikes,and ride a norco but will agree on the weirdness of its lookingness on this one.
its like a squashed version of the shore?
does anyone know how this actually rides though?
my norcos weighty but it rides like a tank going through woodland,smashes watevrs in its path..either that or the riders a fat hefter?dunno
  • 3 0
 OUCH! Me no liking the prices.
  • 2 0
 $7100 and it comes stock with Alex rims? Ouch... Don't know if I'm really fan of the Air in the back...
  • 2 0
 i like the green might just be me but the frame shape looks bent not gonna lie looks ugly
  • 2 2
 for all you peaple who think a straight piece of tubing is stronger than a curved one your wrong a stright piece has more failure points than a curved piece plus you can make things lighter but stronger
  • 1 1
 I have ridden Norco before, but for 7100$?!? I could get a v10 for that much, a bike that rides like I'm going down the hill on a couch... with jet packs and f1 control! I don't understand it
  • 3 0
 every one is saying they are shit but they havent even ridden one.....
  • 5 3
 norco has the most whacked out frames out of any bike company!
  • 4 0
 You should look into Rocky Mountain, the Flatline is even more so whacked out than these.
  • 0 1
 yeah except R.M.'s frames acctually look good.
  • 6 6
 possibly the ugliest norocos i have ever seen, why bother with these huge curvy hydroforms tubes, they dont help, tyhey look bloody stupid!
  • 0 1
 why is so expensive,just cause is the"team dh" and u will think you will be a part of the norco team ahahaha,maibye you will be faster than sam hill witha that 7100 dolls bike hahahahaha
  • 1 2
 jesus who the f*ck pays 7100 dollars for a bike like that? (even though im not sure how much that is in pounds?) im not impressed with the looks, and having ridden norcos i cant say they are the nicest bikes in the world
  • 5 2
 7 100 U.S. dollars = 3 582.96326 British pounds

Google is your friend!
  • 5 3
 thats such an ugly bike please stop or i'll throw up
  • 4 2
 wow the team dh is really ugly.
  • 3 1
 i actually like tht. i bet it is easy to control.
  • 3 2
 I think the new 09's look good. yeah its a weird frame style but you never know..
  • 3 3
 i hate the new frame stle it looks ugly as shit and why do you put boxxers on a good bike and marzochis fork desins are goin down bcz it looks so gay
  • 2 2
 that frame has to go it looks so f-ing ugly come on norco you can dew better then that its nice stuff but shitty frame work thats all i have to say peace ....
  • 4 2
 I like the components on the bikes but not the frame!
  • 3 1
 one word: ULGY

Such a rip off of specialized too.

I'm disappointed
  • 3 1
 yeh looks pretty shit nd not very good for dh
  • 4 1
 not a fan
  • 4 2
 Team DH = Ugly
A-Line = Nice
Blue Boxer = Nice
  • 2 0
 why did they put an air shock on a dh bike??? weird frame
  • 2 1
 the wilson also has an air shock and it's an excellent dh bike.
  • 3 5
 love the new frame design don't care what anybody thinks only thing dosn't look as good as it did with 08 shore and six's should'v kept thier old dh disign or spruced it up hopefully next season they'll cloo in but overall not bad lookin bikes
  • 3 2
 i hope it wieghs like 30 pounds thats the only way i would buy an ugly bike
  • 1 2
 maybe it looks like shit here but the team dh i thought looked pretty sweet when i saw it roll by me the first time... doesnt look impressive here but once ur on it it looks sick
  • 0 0
 i like the 0 8 frame geo better....thaey made them into shores basicly.....the 08 frames were alot more dh racing friendly...
  • 1 1
 I am so glad I got the 08 model. These are F'n Ugly. Looks like they have really high center of gravity. Norco finally was making a nice low riding bike then they do this.
  • 2 0
 The only nice thing on either of those bikes is the blue world cup.
  • 3 1
 The frames are discusting.
  • 1 1
 stolen frame ideas from specialized......tryin to keep up with the new style, they need to come up with new designs, but they are nice machines
  • 0 0
  • 1 0
 I saw a 09 A-line in crankworks this year and it was actually pretty cool well thats my opinion anyways.
  • 0 0
 wow for having to pay more for bikes in 20009 thoose are some pretty bad looking bike it looks like they were high or something
  • 4 7
 they look cheap, and kinda wimpy (especially the team dh). almost like department store bikes.
i USED to like norce. why are so many bike co. going with the bent top bar, it looks wimpy. i agree with djivotno, and give it to a girl, they like things like that.
  • 7 6
 These are the ugliest 09 bikes I've seen!
  • 4 3
 wow that shit is soooooooo sick i want one
  • 3 2
 7100? that made me laugh.
  • 1 2
 those frames are just wacked and same with the colours and the dam prices like holy shit i thought that 3 grand was to much but 7100 you guys suck
  • 2 2
 wooo that is one ugly bike (team dh) I think the a-line is ok though but that price is crazy!
  • 1 1
 the only good thing about that it has a pretty low stand over so you and so things like cancans and shit
  • 1 1
 Oh yeah, lets all go out and do no-footed cans on our Team DH's. Rolleyes
  • 3 2
 man those bikes look like crap they looked better on 08
  • 1 1
 and 40 lbs???? that's not that light especially with an air shock!!! holy jeezus
  • 2 1
 **37.5 lbs**
  • 5 3
 ugliest bikes ever...
  • 2 1
 i agree completly
  • 1 0
 these frames are just bent...but I kinda like them
  • 1 0
 The blue boxxers look sick
  • 3 2
 if there is one bike i would never get its that
  • 3 2
 air on the team looks gay
  • 1 1
 thats ulgy man specilized big hits are way better than that how can u even compare?
  • 1 0
 i wanna see pics of the 09 four xxxx
  • 1 1
 What do with Norco this world? It`s fully shit. I like norco, but this bike`s - nothing
  • 1 0
 lower the damn prices NORCO come on
  • 1 0
 the Team dh is way overpriced and looks like its a slopestyle bike
  • 1 1
 oh and notice how almost every1 here is talking shit about it and not one of them im guessing has rode?
  • 1 0
 my norco alines for sale 1600
  • 3 3
 the frames are cool, but the 1st ones colours are UGLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • 0 0
 i wanna know how much the xxxx is and the five
  • 0 0
 The Empire 5 is $3650. (CAD)
  • 3 4
 why hav norco gone back to the old stab look? gotta say im not liking them sorry guys
  • 1 0
 These look nothing like the old stab looks.
  • 1 0
 Big bike...
  • 1 2
 the a-line is stunning but the team dh man pfffft it loks like a blast from the past
  • 4 4
 $7100 for a Norco? Christ....
  • 2 6
flag extremefreerider89 (Jul 23, 2008 at 12:14) (Below Threshold)
 word, they are really gay this year they look like womens bikes
  • 4 4
 ugly..... its what i think ..
  • 1 2
 fucking ugly ass bikes should of just inproved there old design same with specailized
  • 2 2
 what a crap looking range of bikes..
  • 4 4
 norco's r the best. these bikes look amazing. im goin to buy the aline!
  • 2 2
 good boy i might
  • 1 1
 looks liike it could be good...but ass ugly!
  • 2 2
 the frames look like noodles lol
  • 2 2
 wayyyyy to many curves in the frame.
  • 3 3
 not happy with wut theyve done
  • 2 1
  • 2 2
  • 1 2
 love it how i got neg props fopr saying one of the bikes lookedl ike something else, loosers......... its called AN OPINION
  • 1 2
 someone seriously needs to go to their office an find the screws that have fallen loose in the designers brains
  • 1 2
 Those fucking norco retards , they alway try to make there bike beautiful to the eyes , but not for the ride
  • 1 0
 How could you possibly know the 09s dont ride good wow retard much?
  • 0 0
 the price is in Canadian or US Dollars?
  • 1 1
 ahahahahha oh my god 7100 , buckin hi-larious
  • 1 2
 team dh look so shitty and i wouldnt but it for 7100 and it looks looks like a piece
  • 1 0
 hi glenn
  • 1 1
 WOW those bikes are sick!!!!!!
  • 0 0
 this bikes are ugly i would never buy one
  • 10 11
 wenderful bike...
Smile Smile Smile
Smile Smile
  • 3 4
 worst music in the world for the videos...almost as bad as their colors
  • 3 6
 Oh my, this must be some of the ugliest "expensive" bikes out there. From a cool "I want one" to this in just a few years. What a shame.
  • 0 1
 wow, for 4 grand i would expect to have at least an x.9 on the aline...
  • 1 1
 looks like a flatline
  • 2 3
 im sorry but norco frames never looked good. all this weird geometry?
  • 0 0
 Follow the KISS method
  • 1 3
 I likd norco in 2006, this is like a cross between a flatline and a shore, I dont think its going to work out for a DH bike
  • 1 2
 eww personally i think that looks horrible.
  • 0 1
 I juste like the color on the frame (HEURK!!!) for 2009
  • 1 2
 2009 team dh is pretty ugly
  • 1 2
 Coming soon to a Costco near you!!!!!!!
  • 1 2
 those are fukin gross bikes
  • 0 0
 holy shit
  • 0 1
  • 0 1
 shit! my keyboard is covered in puke
  • 0 1
 Like the green lol ugly frame if in my oppinion
  • 0 1
 the prices are high, i like the looks 06-08 bikes better
  • 1 3
 I guess I will hold on to my 06 A-Line just a bit longer.
  • 2 5
 I remember when Norco had a good thing going for them. Back in 2002-2003. Those days are over.
  • 1 4
 to be honest they dont really appeal to me... i still like the 2007 and 2008 norco line up because they look really strong
  • 2 4
 keep thinking that is so crap....crap
  • 3 6
 My god that is FUGLY. It looks like it's hit a tree before it's out the factory.
  • 5 0
 but there is no trees in the factory?
  • 1 2
 sick stuff
  • 0 2
 UGLY BIKE!!!!!! I wouldn't buy it ever
  • 0 2
 :/ looks, like only kona stab
  • 0 1
  • 3 5
 What a ugly bike!!!!!!
  • 4 6
 not soo hot?!
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