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2009 Mongoose Product Testing - Whistler Bike Park

Jul 7, 2008
by Andrew Cho  
Have a look at Eric Carter shredding the Whistler Bike Park on his 2009 Mongoose Boot'R!Between June 26th through to June 30th 2008, the who's who of the mountain bike industry all gathered at the Westin Resort, located in Whistler BC for the annual Decline Symposium. Many standards and issues in mountain biking were discussed amongst the industry folks. However, a good portion of the weekend's memorable happenings took place outside of the conference rooms, including places such as the Whistler Bike Park...who would have thought?

That's where myself, Eric Carter and Darren Salsbury (Product Manager - Mongoose) found ourselves smiling ear to ear, taking advantage of this opportunity to give the 2009 bikes a run for their money. While I was riding my custom spec on my 2009 Mongoose Boot'R, Darren and EC rode stock bikes right out of the box!! They performed without a flaw, as expected; have a look at the video from our weekend!

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andrewcho avatar

Member since Mar 28, 2007
11 articles

  • 16 1
 I hope you didn't get paid for this. It must have taken you 5 minutes to film all of this. Very indepth the way you got into the new design. Also I liked getting to see what the bike could really do. And the sound track was killer.
  • 12 0
 Where's Romo, how come he's not in the interview?
  • 5 0
 yeah wtf
  • 6 0
 I love reading bike reviews from two kinds of people: CHILDREN and those who don't even understand what the Hell Mongoose is doing!
The REASON the TopShelf bikes are so well spec'd and still so retardedly CHEAP is BECAUSE they have 13 shelves in every Walmart stocked full of $200 bicycles. Mongoose has some VERY deep pockets. When you're already loaded you don't have to overprice everthing so much to make margins. Imagine if Specialized sold $200 bikes in department stores? They'd prob be able to sell their $3500 Demo frames for half, which is closer to what the POS is actually worth. Specialized isn't in the industry to make friends, they're here to make cash. Mongoose makes cash at Walmart and they're getting nearly every kid on the planet onto two wheels at the same time. No one realizes how cool that is. They didn't have $35.00 BMX bikes when I was a kid!

AaronBOZZ Son, you need to go to the Mongoose website and learn what a PRO bike is and what a department store special is. Ignorance is no excuse...
  • 6 0
 ^ that is very funny lol ^
what the hell are you talking about !iron horse sales at sportcheck for 99 bucks.
if its a good bike and you like it buy if you think its crap cuz they sale at wal mart its your problem.
  • 9 4
 gotta love mongoose, im glad more people have seen the light during the past year or two.
  • 2 0
 they really are good bikes. my Khyber is sick.
  • 11 0
 in my opinion, i think alot of people started paying more attention to mongoose when Steve Romaniuk started to ride for them !!! love the bikes though
  • 0 0
 i think that was one of the main reasons that Mongoose signed Romo.
  • 4 0
 those bikes look good the way Romaniuk tears them up. probably be a good investment for a next bike to get. until then keep shreddin what you got!
  • 2 0
 I talked to Mike Kinrade today and he said the only reason that mongoose bikes are what they are now is because Romo came in there and said no way this isn't going to work. So he basicaly had the bikes that he was going to be riding (AKA Boot'R and Pinn'R)redesigned in his own riding image. Still nice work though.
  • 4 3
 Same with the demo series , Romo was signed when he was riding a big hit and then help with the development of the Demo line up, For high speed and big hits, Not really the best race bike but for all around Durability product it was the Bike for all Pinners and hardcore free riders out there, Thats why i think mongosse had him cmon was that they needed a splash in the bike market and with most 14-17 yr olds drolling over him and that are going to be able to start buying these bikes there all for it , i know a couple off ppl when asked why they have demos was cause of Rominuk its just romo doesnt appeal to older riders i dont think the bulk that buy bikes is between 21-30 younger kids get there parents too and a rich Pricks and dont deserve them
  • 1 1
 fyi i happen to be 14 and can probably whoop your ass on any dh course

i was looking into intense when i realized that 5500 dollars is ALL THE MONEY I HAVE. so instead of busting it all, i got a khyber (which is also made by mongoose) and it take any of the shit i throw at it from 15 foot drops to high speed runs at northstar. if your'e rusting away and have your ideas, then say em. but dont talk for others.
  • 3 0
 man who really cares whether they produce cheap bikes or not. Are the higher end bikes equivalent to the competition ?...yes !
  • 2 0
 the khyber is so cheap for the specs it has. 1800 with better specs then a reing x2 for 2500. im sold
  • 3 0
 would of liked to see the bikes, didnt need to see the dudes when they were on the chair, but the bikes look nice from the headline photo.
  • 5 0
 Romo's not everything you guys know...
  • 3 0
 i hope romaniuk gets some press this next year... i didnt see to much of him from the '07 season as far as video's go.
  • 18 2
 I know im going to get negative feed back but ive talked to ppl in the industry and the reason he got droped from specialized was that he wasnt an engaging likeable person, If you saw matt hunter out in whistler and stopped to talk to him about product he would be more than happy too tell you all about the bikes his sponsors and represent his sponsors to the fullest, DOnt get me wrong steve is a Wicked Unbeleivble rider ive had the chance to hang out with him and ride with him and he is a good dude, its just you ask him about stuff and hes like haha dude ya its pretty rad haha not much substance to a buisness point of view, when your a sponsord rider you have to treat it as a buisness and help relations towards your sponsors just being good dosent cut it no more , soo for this mongoose video here I got more out of watching Eric carter talk about the product then for steve to say "ya its rad haha yupp!" But on the other hand i think steve shredding the bike would have looked alot better than Eric carter , Please dont give me bad props for this its an opinion
  • 6 0
 Im not saying your wrong I just think thats lame that Specialized would do that, but they are a giant company. I would think his primary job would be to throw down and get coverage I understand they want a good image from their riders but hes not a salesman, or engineer and someone with the balls to do what he does I dont expect him to sing and dance for me. Might of back fired with me, Im waiting on those new bikes they actually look pretty tight even if Steve cant give me a used car salesman pitch!
  • 2 1
 Yes - sponsored riders ARE salesmen. If you are a company, you sponsor people to sell your product, indirectly. I dont know about you, but if I see a big name rider, I want him to know what the hell he's talking about when it comes to the bike.
  • 1 0
 didnt steve help develop the Demo series? When he sends it off some crazy shit that says to me he knows what hes talking about.
  • 3 0
 what sells more Demos;a picture in a mag of Steve doing a sick one footed table that is seen by thousands of riders or a few dozen or so people who want to know how its shock cradle was designed?
  • 0 1
 sponsored riders are salesmen/women. they get paid to do ride bikes all day long, its in there remit to sell the bikes and be freindly and helpful towards other riders and possible buyers of the product theyre paid to use, ride and sell.

if i had the chance to quit my job and ride all day long throught the year at all the best bike spots im sure i could handle a few questions...
  • 0 0
 I love my 07 Mongoose Canaan Elite so far. Mongoose is essentially a Canadian company now since Dorel bought Pacific Cycles. GT is too. In the 80's I would have never believed it! Thanks for the vid. Since they started selling Mongoose in Walmarts, the high end stuff has seen almost no attention.
  • 9 9
 I'll bet you give me negative props. But IMO I will never spend the money I could spend on one of their freeride bikes when one of their bikes is available at walmart. I would rather spend my money on a high end brand, because I know their dedicated to the industry and aren't in it to just make money. I think If they want people to buy their product they would need to start a new bike company and have their high end bikes separate from their wal mart bikes. Reputation is everything in business, once you slime your name its going to be hell to clear it.
  • 3 1
 the thing you are missing is...no business would be in business if they didn't make money. specialized, santa cruz, turner, mongoose, they are all in the industry to make money. that's why they sell their bikes. obviously the people who make the good mongoose bikes are dedicated to making a quality product. if anything, mongoose is as dedicated as you say the other companies are because they aren't making as huge a profit margin as specialized or santa cruz.
  • 1 2
 If your worried about ruputaion and company that isnt just in it for the money then look no further than Transition biks this company is all about delivering the best in quality set up for the lowest price possible to keep there business growin at a moderate and respectfal rate Who doesnt dream of having a bottle rocket Cmon!!! I ride a Demo 9 just saying thoo
  • 0 1
 I think that splitting their high end bikes and low in bike brands is a great idea. They don't even need to change the Mongoose name, and maybe they could call their high end bikes something like Mongoose Black or XLT, or something like that.
  • 0 0
 ya but thous bikes that they sell in wall-mart and places like that wernt even mongoose bikes to start of with. schwinn bought them they did it to sell there drop of modles with out recking there rep. so there drop off bikes arnt even really mongoose but they add to the profit of mongoose. sorry if that was kinda confusing.
  • 0 0
 Im lovin mongoose's new bikes but the vid was so stupid because just about any bike out there is taken to whistler to be tried. In the end it really shows me nothing of what any other bike can do. I mean just give the bike to some pro (thats all stock) and then rate it and tell the truth on how durable it is.
  • 2 0
 i would of liked to see more riding and less of them sitting on the chairs but great vid and nice bikes
  • 3 0
 meh ... too much yappin'!
  • 2 0
 that big flat corner is sick! sam hill learned from him I think. rest of it is who gives a turd it's a bike.
  • 2 0
 mongoose is making some sick ass bikes these days
  • 3 0
 andrew cho's number 1!
  • 1 0
 i just bought a mongoose an i love it so f u aaronbozz
  • 4 4
 O So Very Sweet ! looks sick, i like that vid too...Eric Carter, still the man !
  • 4 3
 nice bikes
  • 3 2
 EC is a legend!
  • 1 1
 im stoked to see their 09's
  • 0 0
 omg! I can't wait to be here! Whizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz =]

Nice bikes!
  • 0 0
 great bikes want to get one
  • 0 0
 the boot'r looks sick trade a demo-9 for one
  • 2 2
 that was so so....
  • 0 1
  • 0 2
 Mongoose is not very nice bike for rookie is perfect!!
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