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Bearclaw Invitational 3

Jul 21, 2008
by Jordan Holmes  
Source: Mount Washington

The Bearclaw Invitational is one of the world's most popular slopestyle competitions. This summer, Bearclaw's event runs from August 20-23rd with training taking place on August 20th and the 21st. The first free slalom to hit the racing world takes place Friday, August 22nd and the acclaimed Bearclaw Invitational slopestyle hits the slopes the day after on Saturday, August 23rd. All of the action shakes down at Mount Washington Alpine Resort on Vancouver Island. Want to know what's going on at the event this summer? Here's the lowdown from Darren Berrecloth himself, who just sent this in from his current tour of duty in the French Alps.So here is all the info you need to know about the 3rd annual Bearclaw Invitational at Mount Washington. First of all, I want to say thanks to all of my sponsors. They helped me bring this idea in my head to life, and without them none of this would have been possible. Adidas Eyewear, Specialized, Fox Suspension, Red Bull, Kokanee, Hayes Brakes, Dakine, Shimano, and last but not least, Mount Washington, for providing a location, staff, and all the rest of the pieces of the puzzle to make it awesome.

For riders that are invited: there is a mandatory rider meeting at Fat Teddy's on Mount Washington. The meeting is on August 20th at 8:00pm, be there. Remember that full faces are mandatory and there will be a score reduction for wearing tight pants. What is too tight one might ask? Well, if your girlfriend looks good in them, then they're too tight.


So here's the deal: on August 22nd there will be a free slalom event which is invitation only. If you think you can win it and are not invited, email me. The format of the free slalom is simple; it’s a dual slalom course with 3 or 4 dirt jumps in it. It's basically racing with the jumps also being judged, in a similar format to mogul skiing. We're bringing in a mogul skiing judge for continuity and yes, this is the first time a competition of this sort is being held. And just so you know, Kirt Vories is the guy who came up with the idea. Werd Kurt!

On August 23rd the real fun starts with the Bearclaw Invitational slopestyle. The format is two runs for each rider, that's it. The show starts at 12:30 pm sharp, so don’t be late. Get up to Mount Washington to watch the best riders in the entire world compete for respect and some serious cash. The purse is currently at $18,000, but I'm sure it will be bigger than that...shhhh don’t tell anybody though.


Promptly after the final slopestyle run, riders will be warming up on the high air jump to compete for a rad watch from Oakley. If you don't know what the high air jump is, well, I'll tell ya. It's a dirt jump where you put an elevated pole across the jump, similar to a regular high jump. The pole keeps being raised until nobody can clear it - the end. The rider with the highest jump wins. Last year the record was 16.5 feet, and it was very exciting to watch I must say.

Straight after the high air event, the results will be given for the slopestyle. FYI- watch out for Cam McCaul; he's on the chase to triple this event. Cam won the comp in year one and last year he stomped every trick he attempted for another first place finish last summer. This is his first chance at hat-tricking a slopestyle event.


Meanwhile, a Red Bull dj will be taking care of the music to keep the crowd pumpin'. Oops, I almost forgot to mention all the other important stuff, like the fact that the beer gardens will be serving fresh Kokanee during the entire event. There will also be food vendors at the slopestyle site along with Fat Teddy's Bar and Grill servin' up cold drinks and hot meals in the Alpine Lodge.

See you at the event.

Darren Berrecloth

Title shot by Sterling Lorence.
Props to Johno for the photos from the first Bearclaw Invitational.

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spoiledgoods avatar

Member since Mar 20, 2000
624 articles

  • 10 0
 i like the no tight pants reduction
  • 10 2
 no doubt please no emo douches on bikes...if you have to wear tight blue jeans, a pink princess t shirt, and a white belt to look cool on a bike maybe its time to find a new sport
  • 2 0
 nothing wrong with white belts - bit harsh?
  • 0 0
 ya man relax lol
  • 4 0
 i hope im there. should be a go. looking foward to it i hope claw pulls it togther to win his own comp this time.if he doesnt do it this year these youg guns will make it harder for him to win it the following years.hes just had tough luck the last 2.
  • 3 0
 i went last year and it was amazing, cam blew everyone away and was definetly the best rider at the competition. i think he has a good shot at taking the title again this year but i'd look out for andre and bearclaw himself who have been having great seasons.
  • 2 0
 what he said^^^^
  • 1 1
 wat about Andreu Lacodeguy?!?!?! or however his name is spelt
  • 4 0
 haha, the tight pants reduction rule is the best. thats pretty jokes. looks like its going to be sick. anyone think cam will threepeat?
  • 4 0
 God damn at last someone who is willing to not only point out that tight jeans are gay but also willing to be proactive in stopping people from wearing them.
  • 3 0
 also........"what he said"^^^^^
  • 5 0
 looks good...shits going be crazy
  • 2 0
 The rider that wins the red bull round up, this coming weekend, gets an entry into the Claw event. http://redbull.pinkbike.com/roundup/
  • 3 0
 Wish it would be aired on TV so i could watch it.... oh well, looks sweet for those people who can enjoy it!
  • 3 0
 wow i want to go to this. I saw it in seasons, looks pretty good
  • 8 0
 and there will be a score reduction for wearing tight pants... love that cuz tight pants on guys is fucking gay
  • 2 0
 not only will there be insane ridin but a view of the ocean too, then there the killer buds
  • 2 0
 what if your girlfriend is fat and her pants arent tight on you, didnt think about that now did ya Mr. berrecloth
  • 1 0
 nah I think he has accounted for this. He says:

"Well, if your girlfriend looks good in them, then they're too tight."

If your girlfriend is so fat that her jeans are loose on you, then I dare say she's not going to be looking good in them. Therefore you are ok to wear them in the comp Smile
  • 1 0
 well if your girlfriend is fat.. and her pants are not tight on you...then that rule doesn't apply.
  • 0 0
 its all going down this coming up weekend just got back from crankworx it was amazing and now i'm getting ready to watch the Bearclaw Invitational
  • 3 0
  • 3 1
 no tight pants! you have to love this Berrecloth dude...
  • 2 1
 Dude, the dual slalom is going to kill.
  • 1 0
 looks rad. good luck to all.
  • 1 0
 way better than crankworx. a real mountain bikers course
  • 1 0
  • 0 1
 Man im soo bumbed that i can't be there this year...it blowwwwszssss good luck to all the riders
  • 5 5
 no tight pants???? damn
  • 2 4
 they are so much easyer to ride in
  • 2 0
 Get some shorts for christs sake

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