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Base Camp/ZEPtechniques Mountain Bike Instructor Training & Performance Camps

Jul 21, 2008
by ZEP MTB Camps  
Base Camp & ZEPtechniques partner up to offer a new style of multi-week, mountain bike performance camps and instructor training courses in Whistler.

Base Camp are a long established UK company that specializes in adventure sport training, offering camps and courses all over the world in a variety of sports from skiing and skydiving to mountain biking.

Base Camp’s recently launched summer program includes one of their most exciting courses, at least for Pinkbike users and readers. The new Mountain Bike Camps and Courses are in partnership with ZEPtechniques, a British owned Mountain Bike Coaching and Instructor Training company in Whistler.

Base Camp Director, Fergie Miller, comments:

"After our long history in the winter sports industry and our new programs seeing us enter the Water and Adrenaline Sports market, we were naturally keen to develop a mountain bike program. ZEPtechniques offer professional quality coaching and instructor training, which is what Base Camp is all about. Their PMBI (Professional Mountain Bike Instructor) courses offer a quality of training and information that is equivalent to many of the internationally recognized governing and regulatory bodies we work with… we’re stoked to be working with them"

The mountain bike courses involve coaching in all disciplines, offering the client a true, Canadian mountain bike experience with a mix of x-country, freeride, shuttle-run and of course some riding in the awesome Whistler Bike Park. The courses are all inclusive, with some top end tuition, great accommodation, welcome pack of biking goodies from Straitline Components and Spectrum Techwear and a packed social program.


The 4 week instructor training camps include two weeks Rider Improvement Coaching in both Whistler Valley XC/FR trails and Whistler Bike Park, a third week Instructor Training (riders will cover the Level 1 PMBI course material on Coaching and Guiding Practices) whilst week four involves the riders preparing for and sitting the 3 day instructor training course itself. The Whistler Bike Park Guide course will also be offered on this course.


These skill development camps include all disciplines of mountain biking (cross-country XC, downhill DH, freeride FR) providing the Whistler mountain bike experience of a lifetime, whilst ensuring the progression of your skills and confidence over the four weeks.

Riders will be coached 5 days per week, gain one-to-one tuition, video analysis & feedback and will each receive a ZEPtechniques Riding Techniques Manual; including all the theory, skills and exercises coached to you on the trails, thus maximizing the learning process.

Courses are currently offered through July and Aug (still a couple places left), but for 2009 expect to see courses July through to September as well as two-week programs for those on a tighter budget of money and/or time. For further details on the 4-week camps log onto www.basecampgroup.com or for details on the PMBI instructor training courses, go to www.zeptechniques.com.

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Member since Mar 24, 2006
34 articles

  • 11 3
 Is this actually a recognized instructor qualification?

If a rider gets this PMBI certification, does any company, resort or governing body actually know what it means?
Interestingly, you have to go through the Whistler Bike Park Guiding program for DH stuff.. which is odd as if this is the new greatest thing out there, why is there no ZEP techniques DH component? Basically therefore, Whistler Blackcomb don't recognize the ZEP program?

It would make more sense to me if you are looking for a recognized program to get involved in the Canadian NCCP coaching course and then undertake the Whistler Bike Park Gravity logic coaching gig.. all of which are set up by experienced mountain bike coaches.

Don't get me wrong, its great that someone is trying to establish a standard, but i think ZEP could be a little more transparent about the actual value of the qualification they are offering.

Why don't the old crew from CMIC get together with the NCCP, Gravity Logic and in turn the Bike Parks of BC, the Kona Bike Parks throughout Europe and establish a truly worldwide recognized coaching certification.
Now that would be something.
  • 2 0
 I don't think there are any "wild" claims going on here - simply a company that sees a need for a product, and is offering a product. If you have an interest in gaining the skills offered, try it out and take the course - if not, don't. (Actually, it's Base Camp that's backing and offering it).

The fact is that this is something that's needed in the MTB industry - NCCP is a non sport-specific system, so can provide some, but limited relevancy. And CMIC? Try finding any indication of an established CMIC program out there.

Unlike many other sports or industries, there seems to be a lack of governing bodies to gain a "certification" recognition from. It's gotta start from somewhere...
  • 2 0
 totally agree with the last two guys... from all my years teaching sailing, scuba diving and skiing, the PMBI course I took this spring was awesome - the level of training and up-to-date information was far and above any other bike instructor course I've taken before... and since when is something being new ever a reason for it to not be good??!! Well done ZEP for seeing what needs doing and doing it.
  • 2 1
 I agree with the above comment.

While I am sure their intentions are good and there may in fact need to be a certified standard I think ZEP is missing the boat and making some wild claims... who is sanctioning or endorsing their "certification" process? NCCP and CMIC are the only established programs out there at the momment.

While there may be room for improvement any new standard needs to be properly developed and endorsed by governing bodies, the mountain bike industry as well as (am perhaps most importantly) elite level riders who are currently breaking the ground with riding technique. At the moment I would not even consider ZEP's claim to have any sort of a true certification.

As a pro rider for 10 years, a former national downhill champion and NCCP and CMIC certified coach I have to cringe when people claim they have a standard, and when I download their sample lessons they are missing some major points that would be present in a coaching program if it was a true standard.

Who are these guys anyway?? A good idea yes, but do your homework and get true endorsement from the right governing bodies before you make claims to certify people.

Just my two cents.
  • 1 0
 funny no replies from the first 2 posters....nothing worse than talkin smack then headin for the hills...
  • 1 0
 ZEP don't seem to be making any wild claims of certification... just read the article properly!
  • 1 4
 maybe instead of hacking away, you both cold try and add something. Hmmm maybe its because one of you has been pushing their "standards" for so long that no one is listening anymore. Former DH Champ Eh? Care to prove yourself? If your gonna pop ur resume, and knock on someone elses company maybe you should add your name to your comments.
  • 1 3
 Yeah I agree with you dude. Why cr*p on what looks like a great idea. As far as I'm concerned the NCCP is general Canadian qualification covering 65 sports, hardly MB specific and the CMIC seems to me to be a qualification put toghether by the WCSMB purely to legitimise their courses. No punch in Europe or America. Nice one ZEP and Base Camp.

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