The Pilgrim Monument

The Pilgrim Monument is Cape Cod’s oldest non-profit. Soaring 350 feet above Provincetown, it offers stunning views of the region, commemorating the Mayflower’s first landing in the New World in 1620 and drafting of the historic Mayflower Compact. After being blown off course, it was on our shores that the Pilgrims found safe harbor, spending five and a half weeks scouting the area and meeting the Indigenous Wampanoag people.

President Theodore Roosevelt laid its cornerstone in 1907 and President William H. Taft dedicated it upon completion in 1910. That same year, a building was added to house a museum, another first for Cape Cod. Since then, millions of visitors and generations of residents have climbed the Pilgrim Monument and strolled its grounds.

The Pilgrim Monument remains the tallest all-granite structure in the U.S. The institution remains committed to teaching people about the big role our small town has played in American history.

Experience it for yourself! Make plans to visit to the Pilgrim Monument and Provincetown Museum today.

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