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Aged care employment

Final report released

  • Why the study?
  • Issues paper
  • Report

What we’ve been asked to look at

This study examined employment models in aged care and the effects that policies and procedures to preference the direct employment of aged care workers would have on the sector.

Read the Terms of Reference Media release

Issues paper release and submissions

The Commission released an issues paper to guide people in preparing a submission. It set out some of the issues and questions the Commission identified as relevant at the early stage of the study. Participants should provide evidence to support their views, including data and specific examples where possible.

The issues paper was released on 22 March 2022.

Submissions were due by 29 April 2022.

Read the issues paper

Report to Government and release

The study report was handed to the Australian Government on 7 October 2022 and was publicly released on 21 October 2022.

This report looks at whether there should be a policy to preference the direct employment of aged care workers.

Read the study report

All completed inquiries