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How to make a submission

The Commission invites interested people and organisations to make a written submission or comment.

Submissions may range from a short letter outlining your views on a particular topic to a much more substantial document covering a range of issues. Where possible, you should provide evidence, such as relevant data and documentation, to support your views.


  • Each submission, except for any attachment supplied in confidence, will be published on the Commission's website shortly after receipt, and will remain there indefinitely as a public document.
  • The Commission reserves the right to not publish material on its website that is offensive, potentially defamatory, or clearly out of scope for the inquiry or study in question.


  • Copyright in submissions sent to the Commission resides with the author(s), not with the Commission.
  • Do not send us material for which you are not the copyright owner - such as pictures, photos and newspaper articles - you should just reference or link to this material in your submission.

In confidence

  • This is a public review and all submissions should be provided as public documents that can be placed on the Commission's website for others to read and comment on. However, information which is of a confidential nature or which is submitted in confidence can be treated as such by the Commission, provided the cause for such treatment is shown.
  • The Commission may also request a non-confidential summary of the confidential material it is given, or the reasons why a summary can not be provided.
  • Material supplied in confidence should be clearly marked 'IN CONFIDENCE' and be in a separate attachment to non-confidential material.
  • You are encouraged to contact the Commission for further information and advice before submitting such material.


  • For privacy reasons, all personal details (e.g. home and email address, signatures, phone, mobile and fax numbers) will be removed from your submission before they are published on the website. Please do not include these details within your submission files unless necessary.
  • You may wish to remain anonymous or use a pseudonym. Please note that, if you choose to remain anonymous or use a pseudonym, the Commission may place less weight on your submission.

Further information

Privacy Policy

Information Policy

Technical tips

  • The Commission prefers to receive submissions as a Microsoft Word (.docx) files. PDF files are acceptable if produced from a Word document or similar text based software. You may wish to research the Internet on how to make your documents more accessible or for the more technical, follow advice from Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0.
  • Do not send password protected files.
  • Track changes, editing marks, hidden text and internal links should be removed from submissions.
  • To minimise linking problems, type the full web addresses (for example,

Inquiries seeking submissions and comments

See list of current inquiries