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Editor’s note: Breaking views are thoughts from individual members of the editorial board on today’s headlines.

It’s not news that the White House doesn’t care for California.

Or Californians.

But does its resident in chief really want us dead?

That would seem to be the case as for the second year in a row the president’s budget proposal this week zeroed out funding for the ongoing rollout of the earthquake early warning system that will serve the West Coast.

Meaning, mostly us, though Oregon and Washington — also disliked by the White House, because they didn’t vote for its current occupant — are also part of the system, though with less seismic activity to worry about.

It’s a ridiculous game, though. Because, just as last year, when the entire California congressional delegation, Republicans and Democrats alike, screams bloody murder about how this cheap life-saving system is needed, and that it’s absurd that Mexico and Japan can have their systems in place and we can’t, Congress will restore the funding the president has meanly slashed.

Still, it’s a shame to once again witness this petty display.

“A functioning earthquake early warning system can provide critical life-saving benefits, which is why there’s broad bipartisan support to fund it in Congress,” Rep. Ken Calvert, R-Corona, chairman of an appropriations subcommittee that oversees funding for the USGS, told the Los Angeles Times. “I will continue to advocate for the development and funding for the earthquake early warning system. This is a system the West Coast needs to have in place.”

Yet, just to thumb his nose at us, the fellow currently in command again requested about $13 million less for the federal government’s earthquake hazards program, including $10.2 million for the earthquake early warning program. He specifically tries to eliminate 15 positions that staff the earthquake early warning program for the USGS.

It won’t happen, because Congress specifically won’t let it happen. But what a bore to again be treated so boorishly.

Larry Wilson is a member of the Southern California News Group editorial board. Twitter: @PublicEditor