How to Soothe a Baby's Sunburn

Despite slathering them in sunscreen, your baby’s skin still got burned. Don’t panic! Here’s how to treat a baby sunburn at home and when to call a doctor.

We all know the importance of sun safety for kids and adults alike. However, despite taking precautions, your baby still might get a sunburn. Babies are especially prone to damage from the sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays. That's because they have delicate and sensitive skin, says Debra M. Langlois, MD, an assistant professor of pediatrics at the University of Michigan.

If your little one gets a sunburn, don't panic. Keep reading to learn how to treat your baby's sunburn and prevent it from happening again.

An image of a baby on a beach.
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How to Treat a Baby Sunburn at Home

Sunburns range in severity from causing slight discomfort and redness to pain, peeling, and skin blistering. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), sunburn pain typically starts about 4 hours after sun exposure, peaks around 24 to 36 hours, and resolves in 3 to 5 days. The good news is you can do plenty to ease baby sunburn pain.

Cool them off

When treating a baby's sunburn, most doctors suggest gently cooling the skin with a cool compress or tepid bath. You can even add some soothing baking soda or oatmeal bath powder to the bath water. That's because there can be ongoing damage as long as the skin is hot, says Alan Greene, MD, a pediatrician in Portola Valley, California.

Moisturize their skin

Once your baby's skin has cooled off, Dr. Greene says the greatest ongoing damage comes from the skin drying out. Combat dryness by applying a gentle, alcohol-free moisturizer.

Aloe vera formulas are very popular for sunburns, but some kids are allergic to them, so it's best to skip this if you're unsure—the last thing you want is another rash! Dr. Greene also likes moisturizers containing vitamin E. Apply the moisturizer a couple of times a day, especially after a bath and before bedtime.

Give pain medication, as needed

If your baby has a particularly bad sunburn with skin inflammation, consult a health care provider about giving them a pain reliever. A dose of Motrin (ibuprofen) can help minimize swelling and ease the pain for babies 6 months and older.

Dr. Greene says ibuprofen works best when the pain is caused by inflammation (red, tender, hot, or swollen tissue). It's anti-inflammatory, so it stops the pain at the site of the inflammation. Tylenol (acetaminophen) can also work, he adds, but it doesn't help with the inflammation—just the pain.

According to Seattle Children's Hospital, for ibuprofen to be effective, it needs to be started early. Since the effects of baby sunburn often don't show up for several hours after exposure, they advise starting ibuprofen as soon as you suspect your child may have been overexposed to the sun rather than waiting for redness to appear.

Make them comfortable

Keep your baby out of the sun until their sunburn gets better. Hydration is also important for your baby's healing process. Dress them in soft fabrics and light layers that won't irritate their skin. And don't pop any blisters that appear, as that could damage their skin and leave scars.

When to Call the Doctor for Baby Sunburn

Most of the time, baby sunburn isn't a big deal, but you should call a health care provider if your child is less than 1 year old. Also, let them know if your baby has any of the following symptoms:

Symptoms of an infected burn include draining pus, angry red streaks, and worsening after 48 hours. Though this happens very rarely, you should call 911 if your child faints, is disoriented or unable to stand, or you have difficulty waking them.

Preventing Baby Sunburn

The symptoms of sunburn—pain, blistering, and peeling—commonly come with plenty of fussiness and tears. But that's not all: Sunburns increase a person's risk of skin cancer, and most of a person's lifetime sun damage is done by the time they turn 18 years old, says Adena Rosenblatt, MD, PhD, a pediatric dermatologist at The University of Chicago Comer Children's Hospital.

To prevent sunburn, the CDC recommends the following:

  • Staying in the shade
  • Wearing long sleeves and pants
  • Wearing a hat
  • Wearing sunglasses
  • Applying sunscreen

Keeping your baby out of direct sunlight whenever possible—especially between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. when UV rays are strongest—is one of the most proactive ways to prevent baby sunburn. The AAP recommends applying sunscreen to babies over 6 months old and spot applying it to younger babies on exposed areas if they must be in the sun.

The best sunscreen options are mineral-based physical sunscreens with active zinc oxide or titanium dioxide. Reapply sunscreen every two hours or after swimming or sweating, and find out if any of your baby's medications increase their sensitivity to the sun (for example, some antibiotics do).

Key Takeaways

Optimal sun safety includes avoiding direct sunlight during peak hours, applying sunscreen, and staying in the shade. These measures are essential for your baby's skin health. But despite your best efforts, baby sunburn sometimes still happens. Don't beat yourself up. Just do what you can to soothe your baby's tender skin—and aim to do your best to protect your baby from the sun's rays in the future.

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  1. Sun exposure: Sunburn. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2018.

  2. Sunburn: Treatment and prevention. American Academy of Pediatrics. 2022.

  3. Sunburn. Seattle Children's Hospital. 2022.

  4. Sunburn and children. Stanford Medicine Children's Health. n.d.

  5. Sun safety. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2023.

  6. Sun safety: Information for parents about sunburn and sunscreen. American Academy of Pediatrics. 2021.

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