
Generating a New Vision

The role of Fundación Pachamama is to contribute to the “Sumak Kawsay” (“Well-Being” in Kichwa) of the Ecuadorian and Peruvian Amazon, promoting the conservation of the Amazonian tropical forest by way of alternative models that strengthen climate justice and the self-determination of indigenous populace and nationalities.

What We Do

We support the permanent protection of the Amazon and indigenous territories, in the face of the accelerated destruction caused by extractive industries.

We build our practices based on respect for and protection of the Amazon Forest. We gear our programs towards protecting and reclaiming the rights of indigenous nationalities and nature. We propose viable alternatives for communities through research, promoting bio-enterprises, ecotourism, and strengthening initiatives such as the Sacred Headwaters Initiative.

How You Can Help

Become a Protector of the Amazon Forest and of the Planet

Along with the collaborative efforts of committed allies from all parts of the world, we protect the Amazon basin and help keep the ancestral wisdom of the local peoples alive. Be a part of a global community committed to building a future respectful of life.

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