OVHcloud regions, availability zones and datacentres

The solutions, products and services we offer to our customers are hosted by our 43 datacentres around the world. Find out more about our regions, datacentres, and the associated logistics.

hero datacenter

Explore our locations

The OVHcloud presence spans 43 Datacenters in 9 countries around the world, with announced plans for 7 more OVHcloud Datacenters in Canada, Germany, Australia, Singapore and France.

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on 4 Continents


Points of Presence - PoPs around the world


Tbps of
global network capacity

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Datacentre security

We have full control over physical security in our data centres, as we are the sole operator. Access to buildings is limited and controlled in compliance with the strictest standards and requirements to ensure maximum security within the site. To access the premises and physical servers, only employees assigned to the building and carrying a badge are allowed to enter. 24/7 video surveillance and security ensure full control of each site.

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Infrastructure protection

The Infrastructure Layer is the data centre building and the equipment and systems that keep it running. Fire suppression equipment are critical for our infrastructures to operate smoothly, so we use a double power supply for example. Autonomous generators can also take over in the event of a general outage.

Data centre technology

Throughout their entire lifespan, our data centres benefit from over 20 years of experience in fully managing the server production chain. They are equipped with cutting-edge technology and offer the very latest innovations, such as high availability. Redundant power is critical for our infrastructures to operate smoothly, so we use a double power supply. Autonomous generators can also take over in the event of a general outage.

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Environmental responsibility

We all have a role to play in respecting the environment, and ours is to offer you solutions and services with the lowest possible environmental impact.

Hosting IT servers requires energy — and we are always looking for new ways to reduce this need by optimising and innovating our technology. Our water-cooling system, which we use to cool our entire infrastructure, is part of the innovative technology that helps us drastically reduce the power usage of our data centres.

Discover our regions

OVHcloud own and operate regions around the world to keep our products running 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Visit an OVHcloud Datacenter in 360°

SBG5, the latest generation of hyper-resilient and sustainable OVHcloud data centres

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What is an OVHcloud region?

An OVHcloud region is a physical location in the world, made up of one or more datacentres where OVHcloud services are hosted. OVHcloud regions are deployed across the globe, including in Europe, the United States and the Asia-Pacific region. Find out more about the different types of regions and Local Zones in our dedicated FAQs.

What is a 1-AZ region?

It is a region made up of a single availability zone, but it is fully redundant in terms of power and network (2N+1 design distributed across several datacentres) and provides a very high level of resilience. OVHcloud manages several 1-AZ regions around the world, including in Roubaix, Gravelines, Frankfurt, and Beauharnois.

What is a 3-AZ region?

This is a region made up of 3 totally independent availability zones. It allows multi-zone applications to be designed with very low latency between each availability zone. The Paris region is the first 3-AZ region to be deployed by OVHcloud. Other 3-AZ regions will soon be launched around the world.

Where are OVHcloud datacentres located?

The location of data centres is a major factor for a hosting provider to consider. With an international customer base offering services across the globe, our solutions must be adaptable and based as closely as possible to their users. Offering services in the country where you do business is a guarantee of trust, security and performance. This is why we have set up our data centres around the world and continue to expand the geographical coverage of our solutions every day. You can find our data centres in these countries: France, Canada, the USA, Australia, Germany, Poland, the UK and Singapore.

How do OVHcloud datacentres work?

As a cloud computing service provider, OVHcloud owns data centres used to store physical servers connected to the internet, and hosts these services. Since cloud solutions are often the basis of a business, you need a professional service and IT resources (computing power, storage space) adapted to these uses. We design all of our infrastructures, from server production to deployment. We can also scale our infrastructures to fit customer requests (additional resources) and technical advancements (component changes, improvements, etc.).

Our data centre infrastructures are designed to host thousands of servers in a minimal amount of space, while optimising features such as large-scale water-cooling for servers.

For customers, a key advantages of hosting in our data centres is the measures in place to guarantee constant service availability, and optimal performance. To do this, we work with market players to select next-generation components, and configure high-quality servers. These servers are then set up in rooms with hardware redundancy to prevent power outages, hardware failures and any other unpredictable incidents.

Which cloud services are offered in OVHcloud’s datacentres?

The solutions we offer are hosted in our data centres. Manage your own virtual machines with virtualisation cloud technologies like VMware or OpenStack. Create a hybrid cloud by combining Public Cloud, Private Cloud and bare-metal dedicated servers.

With dedicated servers that offer raw performance with no software layers, you can simplify how you manage resource-intensive workloads and projects.

OVHcloud infrastructures are perfect for critical applications, as they offer certifications and availability rates guaranteed by a service level agreement (SLA). Our solutions also cover all your web development and hosting needs for professional websites, e-commerce and blogs.

What are the advantages of renting a server in a datacentre?

First of all, the advantage of choosing to outsource your IT infrastructure management is that you can then focus on your core business. OVHcloud maintains all the hardware, configurations for different servers, technical requirements, processor maintenance (CPU), RAM, storage disks (SSD, hard disk), etc. You also benefit from all the expertise of your hosting provider, and the range of services and solutions they have developed. This way, you can discover the advantages of cloud computing without having to mount and deploy an infrastructure with a hypervisor yourself and provision resources.